5 Articles

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How clear communication and great preparation is your best support for an easy transition.

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Plan ahead and know what to do when the unexpected happens - If you own horses, you will experience an emergency with them at one point or another.

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Fall is here! The leaves are changing and the temperatures are cooling off. It’s hard to imagine that such a pretty time of year could possibly be harmful to our horses. However, fall leaves can pose a potentially deadly threat. The following are trees that are highly toxic to horses.

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What makes a deed good? Is it good intentions or is it good results? Or are both elements required for a deed to qualify as good? When it comes to the “wildies” (loose, wild, and feral horses), some people turned their good intentions into action by putting out feed for the horses wintering on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains.

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There’s a reason some call it “stressage.” Like ballet, dressage is an art form that balances grace with strength and athleticism, a feat demanding extraordinary mastery of the body. Unlike ballet, in dressage that feat is dependent on cooperation between members of two different species — cue the stress! And when riders are stressed, so are the horses. As a result, riders sometimes turn to dubious methods in an attempt to gain control of their equine partner.

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Horse owners in Canada know that opportunities for finding the perfect feed for their horse have probably never been better. Canadian horse owners have a multitude of feed manufacturers utilizing superior nutritional expertise to formulate an array of feeds designed to meet just about every equine need. With our increasing comfort using the internet and social media, all we need to do is sit down at the computer to find a feed that appears to best meet the needs of our horses.

fort Walsh, Grasslands National Park, horse trail, trail riding, saskatchewan trail riding, prairie trail riding, horse camping

Horseback riding through the vast, sunlit prairies of Saskatchewan, with the possibility of encountering a herd of wild bison, was a long-held dream that drew me to this stunning part of Canada. However, it wasn’t until enduring a six-month-long snowy winter in Terrace, BC, that I finally turned this dream into a reality.

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The 21st Century Rider - Many Canadian riders are throwing their leg over horses well beyond the age when others are pursuing more sedentary activities. For example, about 19 percent of Alberta Equestrian Federation members were over the age of 56 from 2015 to 2018. In British Columbia, approximately 19 percent of active Horse Council BC members were over age 60 in 2018. Meanwhile, in Quebec last year, about 12 percent of Cheval Quebec members were age 60 and over. Nationally, approximately 22 percent of Equestrian Canada sport licence holders were older than 50 in 2018, and 10 percent were older than 60.

karen L. Weslowski, equine waivers, equine liability agreements, Unambiguous Waiver Risk Hazard,

Waiver of liability agreements or “waivers” can be an effective form of risk management in that they transfer liability for injuries from one person to another by means of a written contract. Waivers are commonly used in dangerous or high risk sports such as horseback riding. Although commonplace in the horse industry, waivers are often used without full knowledge as to the rationale behind their use or the standards required to ensure that they are legally enforceable.

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Fine horses and Fair-Minded Riders – Modern Vaquero Horsemanship by JuliAnna Ávila is a love letter written to a long-standing tradition of Vaquero horsemanship, as it finds its way through the new world of easy-access information.

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Diagnosis and Treatment - In recent years the addition of the back examination to a routine lameness exam has become commonplace. With vast amounts of information available on the internet and social media pages, it can be daunting to understand and clarify “back pain” in the sport horse. This article will organize the clutter of information into a clear picture for riders and owners.

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And Can These Diets Be Acceptable for Active Horses? Grains are not a required feed ingredient for horses, and reducing the amount of grain-based products fed to horses has been a popular trend in recent years.

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Rider fitness is fundamental to achieving a harmonious partnership with your horse and improving overall performance together. Regardless of the equestrian discipline, physical condition directly influences the rider’s ability to stay balanced in the saddle and communicate effectively with the horse.

Horse Run-In Shed equine, horse shelter equine, horse property drainage

Horses are among the most free-ranging of domestic animals. They evolved as nomadic and migratory animals and have adapted to many variables in terrain and weather. They are built and instinctively driven to move, and their first reaction to anything remotely considered a threat is to flee. Domestication has changed some of these genetic qualities to fit human goals, but not by much.

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The horse-drawn carriage boasts a rich and varied history, evolving from humble pony carts to regal coronation coaches. This iconic vehicle has played a significant role in transportation for centuries.

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Equiwinner™ patches can give your horse relief this fly season - We all look forward to good riding weather — but not the fly season that comes with it! Have you noticed that flies prefer some horses more than others, and wondered why?

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And what is natural, anyway? The terms “natural” and “organic” are widely used in today’s horse world. The use of the term “organic” in the manufacturing and marketing of products aimed at horse owners is regulated by government agencies. The use of the term “natural” is not, and so a great deal more caution must be exercised by horse owners when sourcing these kinds of products for their horses.

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It’s hard to believe that the Government of Canada would own a spectacular horse ranch adjacent to the Rocky Mountains, where trail riders are welcome to camp and ride. But it exists. Ya Ha Tinda Ranch — owned by Parks Canada and the only federally operated working horse ranch in the country — turned 100 years old in 2017.

Jonathan Field, how to stop horse bucking, why is horse bucking, horse won't canter trot, groundwork for horse

Recently, I helped a friend whose mare was having problems with the transition to canter. Moving from trot to canter was scary at best – the mare might cut sharply into a turn, panic and rush, or throw in a strong buck. The mare seemed to be saying let’s just stick with the trot!

Genetics Horse Colours, healthy horse coat, grooming horse, Tania Cubitt, equine coat colour, equine supplements

Everyone wants to see their horses glowing from the inside out with a sleek coat – the quality of a horse’s hair coat is directly related to his overall health. Providing the horse with plenty of roughage and a balanced diet along with an effective parasite control regime, sufficient exercise, and grooming is imperative when striving for a healthy coat.
