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If you're aiming to achieve a solid classical riding position, we’ve got the exercises to support your goal. While riding, can you line up your ears, shoulders, hips, and heels? If your answer is yes, great job! If your answer is no, keep practicing the exercises, and know that with time, they will help improve your riding position.

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Calling all young riders! It’s time for some Fit To Ride Fun! This article is for those of you who want to have fun, improve your riding, and ensure your horses are happy and comfortable.

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Rider fitness is fundamental to achieving a harmonious partnership with your horse and improving overall performance together. Regardless of the equestrian discipline, physical condition directly influences the rider’s ability to stay balanced in the saddle and communicate effectively with the horse.

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Enhancing Performance Through Core Strength and Balance - Equestrian sports require much more than just mastering the art of riding; they are physically demanding and engage a wide array of muscles throughout the body.

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Ah, sitting trot – the nemesis of so many riders of all ages, levels, and disciplines! In order to develop a balanced, independent seat that does not hinder the horse, but rather allows him to move with maximum ease and efficiency, the rider needs to have flexibility and suppleness through the legs, hips, and lumbar spine (lower back), stability in the pelvis, and strength in the core. These qualities allow the rider to maintain an upright posture that is firm and supple, not rigid, as riding is dynamic and requires a constant repetitive series of muscle contractions.

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Have you ever witnessed the beauty of a wonderful freestyle, a reining pattern, or perhaps a show like Cavalia in which the rider and horse seem to be working together in such harmony that you can hardly tell where the rider ends and horse begins? For rider and horse to be “one” with each other is the desired state we strive for. What we seek is to seamlessly flow together in a beautiful stream of energy travelling together through space. If your desire is to achieve such a state, and to ride to the best of your ability, then please read on!

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Being fit to ride certainly has benefits for riders but there are also benefits for our horses. The horse-and-rider partnership is unique. We owe it to our horses to be as balanced and coordinated as possible to ensure their comfort and ability to do what we ask with ease. We are not all built the same and not everyone will assume the “ideal” riding posture and position. Still, we can all work towards better posture, balance, and coordination, resulting in clearer, more effective communication with our equine partners.

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Many people enjoy setting goals to help give focus and guidance to the year ahead. If we map out our desired goals appropriately, make them realistic and attainable, then initiate them with baby steps, there is a greater likelihood we will achieve success. When we write down our goals we are, in essence, making a commitment and a contract with ourselves.

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In January 2003, Penny Woodworth, who lives on Vancouver Island, BC, was taking a jumping lesson. “Smallish jumps, nothing exciting. My long-time error is looking down, which I did that day. My horse stopped, and I tumbled off. Not a bad fall at all, except that I landed with one butt-cheek on the ground pole. I got up and carried on, but I was crooked and stayed that way. After a week or so, still riding crooked and feeling shooting pains down my right leg, I went for physiotherapy. I had dislocated my sacroiliac (SI) joint. Regular physio treatments and exercises finally got it to stay in place and I continued riding.

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At Eagle Feather Riding, the horses know when their riders are on their way, and come running to greet them when they arrive.
