
load a horse in trailer, horse won't load in trailer, loading horses, will clinging

Helping horses load into a trailer with confidence is a common challenge, and I am often called upon to assist with both young horses learning to load and those struggling with trailer anxiety. Over the years, I’ve shared insights on horse trailer training, covering why it’s essential and how to approach it with the right techniques. However, this time, I want to shift the focus away from technique and explore the underlying factors that influence a horse’s willingness (or refusal) to load.

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When a horse suffers an injury, it’s essential to allow for a brief time of rest to aid in recovery. However, in many cases, movement itself can be a form of therapy. Not all exercise negatively impacts a horse's health—on the contrary, it can often enhance overall well-being. Therefore, restricting movement should only be considered in extreme situations.

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A proper horseback ride on a cold winter's day can offer an exhilarating experience, with the fluffy snow energizing your horse and the sunshine taking your mind off of the chilly air. But now, as the sun sets and winter’s cold returns, your horse is steaming with sweat, and it’s time to think about cooling down.

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Do you sometimes yourself leaving the mounting block, fixing your stirrups, and unsure of what to focus on in your next training session? When your coach asks about your progress since your last lesson, do you often admit that you’ve mostly just been riding without a clear goal in mind?

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Horses are masters at becoming injured, which is why many owners choose to purchase insurance. But working through an insurance claim while already dealing with an injured horse — or worse — can be highly stressful. So, I asked Mike King to provide some tips on making an insurance claim. He’s a partner at Acera Insurance and the national lead for equine insurance and risk management programs, so he oversees claims across the country.

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Essentially, a gate is a transition from here to there. It’s a transition from one pasture to another, replicated in competition. Learning to work a gate can be part of your horse’s training transition into a more attentive, patient, and handy partner.

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When you ride regularly and for long distances, you’ll inevitably encounter a heavy downpour. With some careful planning, you’ll pull out your rain gear, such as a slicker, and continue your ride with a positive attitude. Once you reach shelter, you can take care of your horse by scraping off the mud and towel-drying him. Then, it’s time for you to change into dry clothes and enjoy a warm drink. However, savvy riders know the importance of also caring for their tack immediately, preventing mud buildup and leather damage before it dries out. Proper tack maintenance can also help avoid mold and mildew, which can cause long-term damage if left unchecked.

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Caring for a newborn foal requires a thorough understanding of what to expect before, during, and after birth. Knowing what is normal and abnormal during this crucial time helps ensure a healthy start to life for your foal.

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First Aid in Equine Emergencies - Almost every horse owner will encounter an equine emergency at some point. Whether it's caused by a horse’s natural curiosity, a mishap on a trail ride, or interactions with herd mates, accidents can lead to cuts, bruises, kicks, and bites. Scrapes, stone bruises, punctures, sprains, and sores can happen unexpectedly, while more serious conditions like abscesses, colic, or bacterial infections can arise without warning.

GROUNDWORK horses, exercises for horses, keeping a horse fit, jec ballou horse fitness, how to keep my horse healthy without riding, exercising a horse without riding

4 Key Principles - As the shorter, colder winter months settle in, brief but purposeful groundwork sessions become critical for a horse’s physiology. Granted, fitness-based groundwork will not keep a horse at peak performance level, but it will prevent total erosion of neuromuscular and metabolic fitness during times of abbreviated schedules.
