6 Articles

Kevan Garecki, horse trailer safety, safe horse transport, horse care

The need for safe driving should always be preeminent, even more so when we have precious cargo on board. Keep in mind that there is nothing in a horse’s instinctual response mechanism that will help him in the event of a crash; this makes us wholly responsible for our horses’ welfare.

horseback riding vacations, riding horses holidays, shawn hamilton horse journalist, horse destination vacations

As a photojournalist specializing in horseback riding vacations, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing incredible opportunities that I will always cherish. Through my work, I've had the chance to explore hidden corners of the world that most tourists never see and connect with fascinating people from across the globe who share a passion for horses. In my view, there’s no better way to immerse yourself in a new culture than from the saddle of a native horse, taking in the sights, sounds, and scents of a place.

staying calm riding horses, anxiety horse riding, better relationship horse and rider, regulating nervous system Annika McGivern, breathing exercises for horse riders, equestrian psychology

Tuning In To Your Internal State - All riders are familiar with the joy and challenge associated with mastering the dance of connection and communication between horse and rider. However, fewer riders are familiar with the role which regulating our nervous system plays in this intricate ballet.

thinline flexible filly muzzle, nice horse muzzles, best horse muzzles, thinline canada

ThinLine introduces the Flexible Filly Grazing Muzzle with adjustable grazing hole size to customize the muzzle to your horse’s dietary needs. The muzzle is manufactured with food grade resins that provide a durable yet lightweight, flexible alternative to traditional muzzles. Veterinarian recommendations for safe grazing in a muzzle are a 3.5 to 4 cm grazing hole for full-time grazing, and 2 to 2.5 cm for restricted grazing often required for horses with metabolic issues. The industry standard is 3 cm and grazing holes are not adjustable.

best warm up horse, horse rider warm up, jec ballou equine fitness, balanced horse rider, improve horse fitness

Miscalculating the effort level of exercises for horses often derails the process of gaining fitness. Whether or not a horse finds any given exercise hard is left to a lot of guesswork. And since many riders form assumptions based on their own perspectives of sport and physical challenges, this guesswork is frequently inaccurate. To gauge this better and to deliver beneficial doses of effort, we need to clarify how and when certain tasks are difficult for the horse.

equine dermatology, how to tell if my horse has allergies, rash on horse, hives on horse, equine allergies nutrition, horse's ear plaque, genetic testing allergies horses, uc davis center for Equine Health

The large size of a horse means that their skin covers a large surface area, often making skin problems easy to see. However, although we can see them, we cannot always easily identify their cause. We teamed up with Dr. Stephen White, DACVD, UC Davis professor and chief of the veterinary hospital’s Dermatology Service, to bring to light some things you might not know about equine dermatology.

boarding schools for horses, choosing horse trainer, how to train horse, alexa linton, horse psychology, therapy horses

What to consider when sending your horse out for training - Along with many people, I've sent my horse away for training with varying results as to its impact. It is common practice, especially at certain stages of training such as starting under saddle, to invest in several months of intensive training at a trainer’s facility. Given that our horse is going to be in someone else’s care for a substantial amount of time, in a new environment, with countless changes, a great level of care must be given to our decision.

protect horse wildfire smoke, horses air polution, equine air pollution, equine asthma, reduce dusts horse barn, when to call a vet horse cough

There’s nothing like hearing a horse cough to set people scurrying around the barn to identify the culprit. After all, that cough could mean choke, or suggest that a respiratory virus has found its way into the barn. It could also indicate equine asthma. Yes, even those “everyday coughs” that we sometimes dismiss as “summer cough” or “hay cough” are a wake-up call to the potential for severe equine asthma.

help a horse slow down, horse rushing jumps, training a horse to wait, lindsay grice, horse rushing through gate

The relationship between hurry and worry - My first horse rushed his jumps. He never refused. I reasoned that he was a “bold” jumper — he loved to jump and so did I! On approach to every fence, my horse’s head would elevate, his ears would perk up, and his legs would speed up. I figured the jumper ring, with its speed element, was a more natural fit for my eager jumper than the hunter ring.

family farms, how to run a family farm, horse farms, how to manage farm and family life, canadian farms, horse farms canada, managing farm and children, tania millen

Working and Playing Together - Operating family farms and ranches can be challenging, but according to these three Canadian families, there are plenty of benefits, too.

evolution of ponies, riding ponies, training ponies, children and ponies, nikki alvin smith, what to look for in a pony, my pony bites

Sadly, ponies get a lot of bad press. Even so, their reputation as being lazy, stubborn, and difficult to train, plus their seemingly inherent displays of poor behaviour, have less to do with their innate nature and more to do with a lack of training.

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Often times, horse owners feel their beloved equines are simply a magnet for injuries. Being accident prone just seems to be in their nature, most times brought on by their instinctive fight-or-flight response, their need to establish herd hierarchy, and in some cases, their sense of natural curiosity.

horse business parenting, equine entrepreneur parenting, children horse farm

Being a parent in a demanding horse industry career is challenging and incredibly rewarding at the same time. Many horse industry parents are making it work, but no one really knows what it takes and how they’ll balance the concurrent demands of parenting with the obligations of their career until they’re actually doing it.

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A closer look at the troubling physiology behind this common practice and how to support curiosity and courage in our horses instead.

injured horse, trick training horse, non-riding horse activities, teaching horse manners, jonathan field, how to handwalk a horse

Sooner or later, most horse owners have the unfortunate experience of dealing with an injured horse. It’s common sense to have a veterinarian assess what’s wrong as soon as your horse becomes injured, but a vet will also help create a rehabilitation plan, advise how long the recovery period will be, and provide post-recovery expectations.

climate change horse industry, prepare horse farm for climate change, heat dome horses, rescuing horses disaster, hay shortages, colic horses

Climate change is increasingly affecting horses, horse properties, and their owners across Canada. In recent surveys, nearly 90 percent of Canadians reported noticing the impacts of climate change in their communities. Horses are facing rising health risks, including respiratory diseases from wildfire smoke and dust, skin conditions and hoof damage caused by unpredictable weather, and new parasites and diseases. Horse owners are also dealing with higher hay costs, unexpected veterinary expenses, and challenges related to weather disruptions, such as riding limitations. Meanwhile, owners of horse properties are working to repair damage from severe storms, flooding, droughts, and high winds.

horse forage diet, equine forage-based diet, madeline boast, equine gastrointestinal GI anatomy, equine gi tract, gastric ulcer horses, how to take hay sample, analysing horse hay, nutrient requirements for horses, digestible energy horses, crude protein horses, sugar and horses

Most horses are maintained on a forage-based diet, meaning that the primary component of their daily ration is hay or pasture. In the equine nutrition world, the term “forage-first” has gained popularity.

housing stallions, windy coulee canadian horses, coulee dawn, stallions and mares, happy stallion, aggressive stallion

Satisfying the horse-specific needs of stallions is imperative for their mental and physical health. However, it can be challenging to provide living arrangements where stallions aren’t just surviving — but thriving. Kelly Brook Allen is one stallion owner who is adamant about her horse’s welfare. “He gets to live a normal life,” she says. Allen owns Canoa Farms in Merritt, British Columbia with her husband, Ron Stolp.

Insurance Coverage for horse industry, natural disaster insurance coverage, Homeowners’ Insurance Policy, horse barn fire coverage, mitigate insurance risks

In recent years, many parts of Canada have been devastated by natural disasters, including forest fires, ice storms, and floods. These disasters have impacted the equine community by causing loss and damage to barns, fencing, pastures, feed supplies and livestock, among other things.

Horse owner's vacation checklist, horse care, equine care, horse worries, keep horses safe while you vacation

You’re lying on a beach in an exotic locale, soaking up the sun, sipping on a fruity beverage, seemingly without a care in the world. But all you can think about is: Will my horse be okay while I’m gone? Is he getting his supplements? What if he’s injured or falls ill? A vacation isn’t a vacation if you’re constantly worrying about your horse. Get the most out of your getaway by following these steps to ensure your horse’s well-being, and your peace of mind.
