Interviews & Profiles

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Driving Communities Forward - Like many horse people, Gillian Allan wears lots of hats. “When I’m working with my Halflingers, I’m a breeder,” says Allan from her Folly Farm along the Wallace River in Middleboro, Nova Scotia.

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“Show jumping is a sport of millimetres. You can’t wing it.” — Tiffany Foster.

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Breakaway roping is the fastest rodeo sport on the planet right now. Winning times are less than two seconds. Yes, you read that right — less than two seconds can garner professional breakaway ropers thousands of dollars in winnings.

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The gap between amateur and professional competitors is common in Canadian sports. Weekend skiers have significantly less skills than athletes on Canada’s ski team. Amateur hockey players don’t make Canada’s Olympic team. It’s the same in horse sports. Tiers of riders have developed as equestrian sports have become more technical. Upper-level horse sports are primarily the purview of professional and elite riders while amateurs play at lower levels.

Tina Irwin Working Student Program, Maddy Scott Equestrian Crosby Gold, how to be professional equestrian, successful canadian horse riders

Many youth dream of becoming horse industry professionals — training horses, coaching riders, managing a stable or riding professionally at top level. Significant barriers stymie those attempting to pursue success, regardless of their talent and enthusiasm. There’s no streamlined path to follow that develops the needed horsemanship, business knowledge, training, and coaching skills required of professional riders, barn managers, and coaches.

Gina Allan, Barb Kopacek, horse Riding Balance, 3 Point Touch horse rider, Three Point Touch ridign Posture, Transverse Abdominal Strengthening horse riding,

Have you ever witnessed the beauty of a wonderful freestyle, a reining pattern, or perhaps a show like Cavalia in which the rider and horse seem to be working together in such harmony that you can hardly tell where the rider ends and horse begins? For rider and horse to be “one” with each other is the desired state we strive for. What we seek is to seamlessly flow together in a beautiful stream of energy travelling together through space. If your desire is to achieve such a state, and to ride to the best of your ability, then please read on!

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1930. The Great Depression. Money wasn’t flush anywhere. But savvy and successful businessman Conn Smythe had become the newly minted owner of the Toronto St. Patrick Hockey Club, or Toronto St. Pats. This hockey club was no slouch. It had won the Stanley Cup in 1922.

OEEEP Brian Tropea Ontario Harness Horse Association, Ontario Equcation and Employment Program, horse people in canada

Helping others live their horse-filled dreams - “I do everything I can to make sure that anybody that has a dream or a wish to be around horses gets that opportunity,” — Brian Tropea.

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Champion of the Canadian Horse Retires at 87 years of age. Dantan “Dan” Wilson was born in Valleyfield, Quebec in 1936, and was introduced to the Canadian Horse at Rockburn Farm as a youngster. His father spoke highly of the intelligence of the breed, and his mother drove a Canadian Horse and buggy to her teaching job in Havlock through the 1930s and beyond.

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Ron Turcotte is a celebrated Thoroughbred jockey renowned for riding the superstar racehorse Secretariat to win the US Triple Crown in 1973.






One AC for the non-sweating horse — from the Magic Powder Company!