4 Articles

Mud fever, equine pastern dermatitis, horse greasy heel, equine skin disease, fungi infection horse

Mud fever, also known as scratches, pastern dermatitis, and greasy heel, is a common equine skin disease affecting the lower limbs, particularly the back of the pasterns and the bulbs of the heels. The ailment is most prevalent during autumn, winter, and early spring when horses are more likely to spend prolonged periods of time standing in wet, muddy conditions where the bacteria and fungi that cause mud fever thrive.

how to clip horse's tail, grooming tail of horse, using clippers on horse

Clipping is one of those jobs that many horse owners despise — it’s messy, time consuming, and too often can be stressful for both horse and owner. But you don’t have to dread clipping your horse. If you know how to use the clippers correctly and keep the horse calm and relaxed throughout the experience, you can end up with a horse that looks like he’s been to the groomers, rather than just having survived a fight with a lawnmower.

core exercises equestrians, exercises for horse riders, strength riding horses, pilates equestrians, fit2ride

Calling all young riders! It’s time for some Fit To Ride Fun! This article is for those of you who want to have fun, improve your riding, and ensure your horses are happy and comfortable.

barns on fire, horse barn fires, preventing a stable fire, fire extinguisher equestrian centre, mainting horse barn

It’s now nearly 150 years since the Great Chicago Fire, which, according to popular legend, broke out after Catherine O’Leary’s infamous milking cow kicked over a lantern in the barn on the night of October 8, 1871. The resulting barn fire, aided by the wind, destroyed three square miles of the City of Chicago, killing approximately 300 people, destroying 18,000 buildings, and leaving 100,000 people – a third of the city’s population – homeless before it was finally brought under control the next day.

will clinging farrier, prepare for farrier, keeping farrier safe, farrier safety, apprentice farrier, farrier education, Canadian farriers association, Quebec farriers association, association of farrier trainers of Canada, approved journeyman farrier

Over the past 30 years, I’ve worked as a horse trainer, a cowboy, and a farrier. Today, I’m a full-time farrier and have always been very active in our horse community. I would like to share how my perspective has changed over the years and how my experiences as cowboy, farrier, and trainer have influenced how I work today. I also want to talk about safe spaces, safe horses, and share some insight into the farrier industry and what is happening with farrier training and qualifications.

Diseases with Horse-to-Human Transmission, Can you get a disease from your horse? Ringworm horses, equine Rabies, Anthrax horses, diseases horses housed livestock, horses poll-evil, diseases equine veterinarians can catch from horses

Can you get a disease from your horse? Yes, but the good news is that direct horse-to-human disease transmission is rare. Here’s a quick refresher on some bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral diseases that can potentially be transmitted to us directly from the equines in our lives. This list does not include diseases like West Nile virus that can be passed indirectly from horses to humans, for example through an insect bite.

confident in saddle, nervous on a horse, staying calm on horse, how to get horse pay attention, equestrian psychology, Annika McGivern, how to enjoy riding horses

What do you believe is more important in our work with horses: knowledge or curiosity? It’s easy to see why knowing the answer is desirable, but valuing knowledge over curiosity can create pressure, frustration, and low confidence. Not being able to use curiosity as a mental skill can cause us to wind up in never-ending cycles of frustration and perceived failure in our journey as equestrians.

jec ballou, conditioning horse, training young horse, exercising horse, jec ballou exercises, ground pole exercises

Should young horses be left in pasture to grow up or brought in to begin their training? While arguments can be made in favour of each plan, the ideal approach is actually somewhere in the middle. In order to enjoy athletic lives later on, youngsters do need regular exercise, but the structure of their training should differ from that of a mature horse. Primarily, it should be shorter, slower, and avoid concussive skeletal forces.

bridle horse riding, tania millen, martin black horse trainer, spanish cowboys, stefanie travers horse trainer, straight up bridle, bosal two rein, roping

The horse will teach you if you listen - Spanish cowboys (vaqueros) who came to North America over 500 years ago left a lasting legacy — not only in words such as chaps (from chaparreras) and rodeo (rodear) which are engrained in today’s Western lifestyle — but in their riding and horse training skills, too. In the early 1500s when Spanish cows and horses were imported into what is now Mexico, cattle ranching and bridle horses were introduced to North America. Vaquero bridle horses were highly trained, handy stock horses that worked as partners out on the range and were in tune with their riders’ every aid. Making a bridle horse was and is a multi-year process whereby horses are started in a hackamore (bosal), then advanced through a two-rein bridle (small diameter hackamore beneath a spade bit bridle each with a set of reins) until they are ready to be ridden “straight up in the bridle” in a spade bit.

horse fencing problems, fixing horse fence, equine flex fencing, electric fence horses, equine guelph, system fencing, board fencing horses, gates horses

The cold weather is slowly sneaking up on us. Guaranteeing your fences are prepared for this year’s winter will save you a significant amount of time, stress, and money. No matter what type of fence you have, there are several protective and preventative measures you can take to ensure your fence is in prime condition for the upcoming Canadian winter.

horse rider injuries, accident-prone horse rider, alexa linton horse person, how to help an injured horse rider

Anyone who has worked with horses knows a few universal truths: Horses get injured. Riders get injured. Horses sometimes injure riders, and riders can accidentally hurt their horses.

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Bringing a fresh perspective to the world of horses - In his work with horses and riders, Monty Roberts Certified Instructor Tom Durocher goes far beyond “horse whispering.” He helps people gain a deeper understanding of horses, and reinforces the importance of connection and the relationship with their horse.

bears horse riding, bears and horses, how to handle bears while horseback riding, tim mearns, painted warriors horseback riding backcountry bootcamp

Tim Mearns teaches bear awareness and wildlife safety as part of the Horseback Riding Backcountry Boot Camp. He imparts essential knowledge for anyone venturing into the backcountry. Basics are key, including proper handling of food, using bear-resistant pack boxes, knowing how to use bear spray and having it ready to go at an instant’s notice. Equally important is understanding bears and what is important to them, such as the changing of the seasons and the types of environments they prefer. In the spring, for example, females will be out and about with cubs, and in the autumn bears are intensely focused on food and fattening up for winter.

kispiox valley rodeo joy allen, bcra joy allen, british columbia rodeo association joy allen, riding kids' camps

British Columbia Rodeo Royalty - Rodeo royalty does not always wear a crown. Joy Allen of Hazelton, BC never donned the tiara or chaps of a rodeo queen, but her passion for rodeo and its traditions has inspired many cowboys and cowgirls and has ensured they have the opportunity to take part in the best rural rodeos in Western Canada.

horse health lines canadian horse journal, western college veterinary medicine newsletter, wcvm equine courses, universities for veterinarians equestrians

Take an inside look into the latest the scientific studies at the University of Saskatchewan's veterinary college, with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine's semi-annual newsletter: Horse Health Lines.

regenerative therapy equines, equine musculoskeletal disease, abps horses, dechra equine, provet apc, platelet rich plastma horses, therapy for lame horse

Musculoskeletal disease is a widespread problem, especially in performance horses. Fortunately, it does not have to be a career-ending disease. Regenerative therapies are revolutionizing equine health care, offering versatile solutions for a wide range of conditions. From promoting tissue regeneration to supporting overall health, these cutting-edge treatments are transforming the way we care for our horses.

Jonathan Field how do i get my horse to focus, get my horse's attention, help focussing horse, horse won't focus, horse won't pay attention, natural horsemanship

My horse is great in the arena, but easily distracted as soon as we go out of the ring. He’s good when he’s by himself, but when there are other horses around, my horse’s mind is not with me. My horse is fine when his herd-mate is nearby, but as soon as we try to separate he loses his mind! Sometimes he’s with me… and other times it’s like I’m not even there. If you can relate to any of these statements, the tips in this article will help you understand your horse – the ultimate tourist – and how to get his attention.

eco-friendly horse, rotating horse grazing, trail riding responsibly, manure composting horse, langley environmental partners society

When imagining the perfect horse property, many horse owners envision sprawling green pastures, clean and organized stables, dry turnout areas, a well-managed manure composting system, and easy access to trails and other equestrian amenities—all set in a beautiful landscape with streams and forested views. This idyllic image paints a picture of horses living in harmony with nature.

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We ask a lot of our equine partners. Regardless of the discipline, maintaining optimal joint health is essential for any horse’s performance. Horses are athletes and lameness is one of the most common reasons for decreased performance. By addressing lameness issues as soon as they develop, the impact on the horse’s career can be minimized. Joint disease in horses is very common and as such, the use of one or several therapies can maximize soundness and improve long-term joint health.

five rein aids horses, bearing rein aid, , opening rein aid, pulley rein aid, indirect rein aid, direct rein aid, riding horses rein aids, sarah mellings, ec certified coaches

Whenever I coach a new group of riders at a clinic or in a lesson, I am always surprised at how few people can tell me the five different rein aids and the purpose of each. Therefore, it is always a question I like to throw out to the group. I usually see people looking down and moving their hands around, some vague stares, and the occasional rider being able to describe at least one or two of the five.
