1 Articles

design Horse Stall layout, Eileen Wheeler, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Engineering, dimensions of horse stall, ventilating horse stall, equine respiratory, lights for horse stall, flooring for horse stall

The stall is a fundamental element to stabling or sheltering horses. While a basic backyard stall for a pleasure horse may look different from one in a full-service boarding facility, both are designed to provide a suitable environment for horses and their handlers. Safety for both the human and animal should be a top priority in stall design. It is essential that the horse is comfortable, and that the handler can perform daily tasks conveniently. Regardless of your operating systems or specific needs, the main elements of a safe horse stall remain consistent. There are numerous options available that can influence both the functionality and cost of stall features.

history of horses in canada, canadian horse history, Sir Donald Smith, Edward Mallandaine, canadian equine history

The bond between horses and humans in Canada is both profound and timeless, with a history that stretches back centuries. To fully appreciate the role horses play in our lives today, we must first explore the rich history that has shaped their presence in our country.

horse won't go through gate, gate exercises horses, competitive trail competitions, working equitation, mountain trail horse, extreme cowboy tests, horse afraid gate

Essentially, a gate is a transition from here to there. It’s a transition from one pasture to another, replicated in competition. Learning to work a gate can be part of your horse’s training transition into a more attentive, patient, and handy partner.

cypress hills massacre, rcmp march west 1876, march west rcmp storm, how the RCMP started, mounted police origin, history of rcmp, horses in the rcmp

In October 1873, after Canada’s Prime Minister John A. Macdonald approved the formation of a North West Mounted Police (NWMP) force, adverts like this one in the Halifax Chronicle appeared in newspapers across what is now Eastern Canada. They encouraged recruits to sign on to what Tony Rees writes would become “one of the greatest chapters in Canada’s national mythology; as rich in absurdity as glory, every bit as foolhardy and reckless as it was colourful and proud.”

waterproof horse tack, damage to horse saddle or bridle, caring for horse tack, how to clean horse tack

When you ride regularly and for long distances, you’ll inevitably encounter a heavy downpour. With some careful planning, you’ll pull out your rain gear, such as a slicker, and continue your ride with a positive attitude. Once you reach shelter, you can take care of your horse by scraping off the mud and towel-drying him. Then, it’s time for you to change into dry clothes and enjoy a warm drink. However, savvy riders know the importance of also caring for their tack immediately, preventing mud buildup and leather damage before it dries out. Proper tack maintenance can also help avoid mold and mildew, which can cause long-term damage if left unchecked.

preparing for foal delivery, making foaling stall, mare labour, horses in labour, mare rejecting foal

Caring for a newborn foal requires a thorough understanding of what to expect before, during, and after birth. Knowing what is normal and abnormal during this crucial time helps ensure a healthy start to life for your foal.

Otter Co-Op Feed, horse feed otter co-op, Lifeline horse feed, matrix premium horse feeds

Otter Co-op’s Feed Division is dedicated to building and protecting our food supply in Canada. In a world of ever-changing demands for Canadian commodities, Otter Co-op Feed products are a reflection of sustaining our perspective and collaborative efforts with local farmers in Western Canada. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide affordable farm fresh food to communities in British Columbia and Alberta using locally produced foods from Canadian farmers.

Acera Insurance, CapriCMW, equestrian insurance, riding insurance, provincial horse sport organization, horse sport organization, provincial equestrian organization

Funding, Education, Insurance, Community - Do you need money for a clinic or competition? Do you want to attend free webinars and equine programs? How about insurance to help pay for damage done by your horse? Or connections with like-minded horsey folk?

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Sometimes, the fastest way to change something in your horse is to focus on yourself. During a clinic I taught last year in Ireland, a rider entered the ring on an extremely tense horse. Head in the air, tight back, I’m sure you can picture it. As I watched this rider warm up, I could see she was doing her best to relax the horse with little success. I asked her to let go of thinking about her horse for a few minutes and focus on her breathing instead. Over the next three to five minutes, we watched the mare change. Her head lowered, her back softened, and her step got longer and more fluid.

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Canada’s Longest-Running Equine Photography Competition! This year, participation soared with an impressive increase in both the quantity and quality of entries, making it a tough but rewarding challenge for our judges. We were thrilled to see many familiar contestants return and to welcome hundreds of new participants. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who shared their unique images and stories.

ataxia California horses, equine  Vitamin E deficiency, shivers in horses, cancer horses, sleep deprivation horses, equine headshaking, ulcers horse eye

Vitamin E deficiency can lead to distinct health conditions; Shivers can occur in the front limbs, but only if the hind legs are also affected; A horse’s brain weighs 1.5 pounds, but is still one of the largest brains among land mammals...

equine fitness program, jec ballou, how to increase my horse's fitness, plan to keep my horse fit

Is your horse ready to meet the increased physical demands of the spring season? Along with additional riding time, it's essential your horse is fit enough to hit the trails, compete, jump, or focus on endurance or dressage.

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Practicing good biosecurity at home and while traveling is essential for your horse’s health and safety, and is an important part of industry-wide disease control measures. We collaborated with Dr. K. Gary Magdesian, infectious disease control officer and faculty member in the Equine Internal Medicine Service at the UC Davis veterinary hospital, to present a list of important things to remember when it comes to equine biosecurity.

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Canada is facing a significant veterinarian shortage that is adversely affecting horse owners. The shortage is particularly acute in rural areas, where equine veterinarians are often unavailable.

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A brother and sister had made their usual hurried, obligatory pre-Christmas visit to the little farm, where dwelt their elderly parents with a small herd of horses. The farm was where they had grown up. It had been named Lone Pine Farm because of the huge pine, which topped the hill behind the farmhouse.

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A Lifetime of Helping Horses - In emergency situations my mom always said to look for the helpers, help the helpers, and if you can’t find a helper - be one. Dr. Susan Raymond, Communications and Programs Officer at Equine Guelph, at the University of Guelph in Ontario, has been helping the helpers since 2014.

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Cowboys are icons of the North American Wild West, and the cowboy culture continues to dominate Canada’s Western provinces.


The 30th Annual Canadian Warmblood Fall Classic Breeders' Sale held October 18-21, 2024 was a record-breaking sale. With a gross dollar value of over $730,000 CAD it surpassed previous sales by a wide margin. Averages were up in every category, and of the 29 horses sold, eight went to the United States where the strong dollar gave them an effective 30% discount. Sixteen went to buyers outside of Alberta confirming the wide following that the sale has achieved over the years.

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First Aid in Equine Emergencies - Almost every horse owner will encounter an equine emergency at some point. Whether it's caused by a horse’s natural curiosity, a mishap on a trail ride, or interactions with herd mates, accidents can lead to cuts, bruises, kicks, and bites. Scrapes, stone bruises, punctures, sprains, and sores can happen unexpectedly, while more serious conditions like abscesses, colic, or bacterial infections can arise without warning.

equine pre-purchase exam, lameness evaluation horses, lameness locator horses, equine veterinary diagnostic system, flexion testing horses

Keeping horses sound is one of the most difficult and important aspects of horse sport. Given that horses have an uncanny ability to injure themselves, at some point every rider or horse owner will need their veterinarian to conduct a lameness evaluation.
