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There’s a reason some call it “stressage.” Like ballet, dressage is an art form that balances grace with strength and athleticism, a feat demanding extraordinary mastery of the body. Unlike ballet, in dressage that feat is dependent on cooperation between members of two different species — cue the stress! And when riders are stressed, so are the horses. As a result, riders sometimes turn to dubious methods in an attempt to gain control of their equine partner.

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Plan ahead and know what to do when the unexpected happens - If you own horses, you will experience an emergency with them at one point or another.

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Otter Co-op’s Feed Division is dedicated to building and protecting our food supply in Canada. In a world of ever-changing demands for Canadian commodities, Otter Co-op Feed products are a reflection of sustaining our perspective and collaborative efforts with local farmers in Western Canada. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide affordable farm fresh food to communities in British Columbia and Alberta using locally produced foods from Canadian farmers.

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And Can These Diets Be Acceptable for Active Horses? Grains are not a required feed ingredient for horses, and reducing the amount of grain-based products fed to horses has been a popular trend in recent years.

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Whenever I coach a new group of riders at a clinic or in a lesson, I am always surprised at how few people can tell me the five different rein aids and the purpose of each. Therefore, it is always a question I like to throw out to the group. I usually see people looking down and moving their hands around, some vague stares, and the occasional rider being able to describe at least one or two of the five.


Canadian Quarter Horse Association


Dechra — Leader in Equine Mobility


One AC for the non-sweating horse — from the Magic Powder Company!