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horse business parenting, equine entrepreneur parenting, children horse farm

Being a parent in a demanding horse industry career is challenging and incredibly rewarding at the same time. Many horse industry parents are making it work, but no one really knows what it takes and how they’ll balance the concurrent demands of parenting with the obligations of their career until they’re actually doing it.

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A closer look at the troubling physiology behind this common practice and how to support curiosity and courage in our horses instead.

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Sooner or later, most horse owners have the unfortunate experience of dealing with an injured horse. It’s common sense to have a veterinarian assess what’s wrong as soon as your horse becomes injured, but a vet will also help create a rehabilitation plan, advise how long the recovery period will be, and provide post-recovery expectations.

climate change horse industry, prepare horse farm for climate change, heat dome horses, rescuing horses disaster, hay shortages, colic horses

Climate change is substantially impacting Canadian horses, horse properties, and their owners. Almost 90 percent of Canadians in recent surveys say they’ve already seen climate change effects in their communities. Horses are increasingly affected by respiratory diseases from wildfire smoke and dust; skin disease and damaged hooves from variable weather; and unforeseen parasites and diseases. Horse owners are struggling to purchase hay, treat unexpected health issues, and adapt to weather-related riding limitations. Meanwhile, property owners are repairing damage from sudden storms, drought, excess water, and wind. So, it’s worth understanding how climate change will affect horses and properties into the future, and what you can do to prepare for these changes.

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Most horses are maintained on a forage-based diet, meaning that the primary component of their daily ration is hay or pasture. In the equine nutrition world, the term “forage-first” has gained popularity.

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Inflammation generally gets a bad rap. With all that pain and heat and swelling and such, it is tempting to enthusiastically declare inflammation as something that should be unconditionally avoided. While persistent, uncontrolled inflammation often does contribute to a decline in health and tissue function, transient inflammation (such as that resulting from exercise) may be essential to appropriate adaptation of tissues to stress. So, before we announce a universal ban on the ouch factor, let’s take a closer look at inflammation, and explore how a nutraceutical might promote the “good” while inhibiting the “bad.”

Insurance Coverage for horse industry, natural disaster insurance coverage, Homeowners’ Insurance Policy, horse barn fire coverage, mitigate insurance risks

In recent years, many parts of Canada have been devastated by natural disasters, including forest fires, ice storms, and floods. These disasters have impacted the equine community by causing loss and damage to barns, fencing, pastures, feed supplies and livestock, among other things.

Horse owner's vacation checklist, horse care, equine care, horse worries, keep horses safe while you vacation

You’re lying on a beach in an exotic locale, soaking up the sun, sipping on a fruity beverage, seemingly without a care in the world. But all you can think about is: Will my horse be okay while I’m gone? Is he getting his supplements? What if he’s injured or falls ill? A vacation isn’t a vacation if you’re constantly worrying about your horse. Get the most out of your getaway by following these steps to ensure your horse’s well-being, and your peace of mind.

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For horse owners, one of the most frequent areas of pressing health concern is their animals’ digestive system. Colic, ulcers, diarrhea, and leaky gut syndrome can be a constant affront to the well-being and success of equine athletes.

equine emergency preparedness, horses stuck flooding, preventing barn fire, emergency services horses, help for horses disaster, kevan garecki, bc flooding horses

There’s Far More To It Than You Might Think - In November 2021, my wife and I spent four devastating days in Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford, British Columbia assisting with the rescue and evacuation of animals following the disastrous flooding caused by the “atmospheric river” of torrential rain in mid-November that year. It’s one thing to watch it on the news — it’s surreal to be on the ground in the middle of it.

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While one can’t plan for every form of disaster, it’s important to familiarize yourself with any potential risks that could occur in your area and plan for them accordingly. Planning ahead can allow horse owners the opportunity to stay composed and act quickly in an emergency situation.

The Equine Heart, what should my horse's heart rate be, what is a normal rhythm horse heart, equine electrocardiogram, heart rate variability horse

Skipped Beats, Sudden Death… and Why We Shouldn’t Worry Too Much. When you first start examining patients as a veterinary student, you’re very keen to (gently) poke and prod every animal you come across. Realizing you can assess cardiovascular function by palpating peripheral pulses is very empowering!

Lindsay Grice, Equestrian Canada coach and judge, poles horse, exercises with poles horse, horse obstacles, help horse straight, adjust horse's stride, suppleness horse, schooling exercises horses, pole exercises horses

Ground rails, trail pattern poles, or obstacle course logs — these low-lying obstacles are a regular feature in the equestrian experience. We walk, trot, and canter over them in straight paths, serpentines, or pinwheels.

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A Scratch for Every Itch - Horses scratch for many reasons. They scratch themselves on fences, rub up against posts (and sometimes people), roll on the ground, and groom each other. A natural behaviour usually linked to social bonding, comfort, and relaxation, it can be heightened seasonally by shedding, sweating, or the presence of insects. However, when scratching becomes frequent enough to result in hair loss, broken skin, scabs, or if it disrupts eating or sleeping, it is time to talk to a veterinarian to determine if a skin allergy is to blame so appropriate treatments can be pursued.

clicker training horses, a guide to clicker training, clicker training how-to, alexa linton, horse behaviour positive reinforcement, resources horse positive training, natural horsemanship

When I first began riding lessons over 30 years ago, the horse world that I experienced was staunchly devoted to negative reinforcement training, supported by a limited understanding of equine behaviour and the speed and convenience of force-based forms of horsemanship. I can safely say that the process of shedding those engrained patterns, cemented in my neural pathways by consistent use and a lack of viable alternatives, has been one of the greatest obstacles in my journey with horses. Thankfully, over the last five years, I have been bathing in alternative and less intense waters where horse training is concerned. Positive reinforcement training, known by many as R+ training, has been one of my explorations. This type of training, used commonly with dogs and other animals and now finding its way into more mainstream use with horses, uses clicker training primarily as a means of supporting learning. Clicker training uses a novel noise or word that is easily distinguishable for your horse to mark a desired behaviour, generally followed closely by a reward, typically of food. In this way you are able to shape behaviours and encourage curiousity and creativity in your horse.

transporting horses, how to ship my horse, moving my horse, easing stress horse transport, kevan garecki, preparing my horse for emergency

Of the various forms of commercial transport, one of the most demanding is arguably that of horse transport. Strangely, it also attracts the least qualified, the most poorly equipped, and the most fraudulent and dishonest operators. How does one wade through the ethical minefield created by illegitimate wannabes and scammers? I will offer a handful of tips to keep you and your horses safe...

history of saddles, Canadian saddlers, Christian lowe saddler, lim group saddlery, cwd saddles, four winds saddle services, horse saddle types, horse saddles history

Historical records show that horseback riders first used cloth saddles in approximately 700 – 400 BC. It wasn’t until about 200 BC, that rigid saddle trees were invented. Since then, saddles continued to evolve as riders used their horses for new activities.

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At CF Fence in southern Okanagan, BC, owner Alan Cossentine recognizes the value and importance of safe, reliable fencing for livestock on farms and ranches.

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Cowboys are icons of the North American Wild West, and the cowboy culture continues to dominate Canada’s Western provinces.

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Well-meaning riders are understandably concerned about ensuring their horses are fit enough for their jobs. But in the drive for competitive results, it’s easy to over-practice and over-train horses — by simply doing too much work and not providing enough rest and recovery days in between.
