83 Articles

horse fencing, installing electric horse fencing, finishing horse fence, choosing electrical fence, setting electrical fence tension

Your fencing project is ready to be finished off with the fabricating material. This can be done with traditional wood rails, but popular options these days are tensioned materials such as polymer coated wire, vinyl rail, wire mesh, or electric due to their low maintenance requirements, ease of installation, and economical cost. One thing these products have in common is the need to be installed and tensioned properly in order to be both safe and effective.

John Ferris, ferris fencing, planning fencing horses, farm fences, horse paddock planning

The containment of your horse is a very important and serious business, and doing the job right the first time is worth every bit of effort and expense you lay out. When planning your fencing project, try to eliminate as many potential problems as possible and keep the safety of the horse uppermost in mind.

By Will Clinging - Now that the horse is prepared to trot when cued, I will start to spend more time developing a quality trot. By “quality,” I refer to movement that is forward and has rhythm, with the horse maintaining a calm attitude while continuing to listen and trying to be correct.

Blue Creek's Trail Riding & Packing DVD

Whether you’re a serious back country rider, or simply interested in learning practical trail tips, Blue Creek’s Trail Riding and Packing DVD is for you. In this DVD, Stan Walchuk Jr., author of the Trail Tips column in Canadian Horse Journal, takes the information from his articles and extensive experience in trail riding and condenses it into an entertaining four-hour-long video.

Horse of a Lifetime by Dr. Helen Douglas

Horse of a Lifetime by Dr. Helen Douglas is a collection of sixty unique stories about amazing horses across Canada, beautifully presented in a hardcover volume. Not just reserved for the famous horses, this book tells the stories of Canada’s unsung heroes, from the family pet to the competitive athlete.

Interviewed by Emily Penn - Emily George is one of Canada’s up-and-coming riders. The 26-year-old made her debut on the Canadian Show Jumping Team at the Nation’s Cup in Buenos Aires on November 25, 2011. Her teammates were Jonathan Asselin, Angela Covert-Lawrence, and Tiffany Foster. George was the only one of the four to go clear in the first round, and the team’s performance in the second round was enough to secure the Gold Medal for Canada.

Heartland Season 4 DVD Set

CBC’s hit television series, Heartland, has just released its Fourth Season DVD set, Healing Horses…Healing Hearts. This Canadian based show, set on a family ranch, Heartland, in southern Alberta, is meant to be enjoyed by the whole family, and especially the horse lover.

Przewalski's Horses, Chernobyl horses, Przewalski's Horse Chernobyl Welfare, Przewalski endangered horses

Think "Chernobyl" and pictures of the nuclear meltdown from hell spring to mind. In the quarter century since, surprising things have been happening in the exclusion zone around the Ukraine’s notorious nuclear power plant. Plants and animals have returned and in some areas are thriving. But the region screams many vexing questions, none the least of which is the reason for the gradual disappearance of Przewalski’s horses that were released into the area in the late 1990s.

brooke hospital for animals, brooke animal hospital, helping donkeys in third world countries

The Brooke Hospital for Animals, a London, U.K. charity, was established by Dorothy Brooke in 1934 as the Old War Horse Memorial Hospital. The Brooke provides free veterinary care to working horses, donkeys, and mules in third world countries while offering community support and education to owners and their families.

hickstead, eric lamaze, horsemanship, rest in peace hickstead, canadian hero

It was just a moment. From exhilarating triumph to devastating loss in a second, Eric Lamaze was faced with a torment like no other when Hickstead, his beloved stallion, died upon completing a World Qualifier round at Verona, Italy, on November 6, 2011.

Preparing Young Horses for Show and Sale

By Kentucky Equine Research - There are two groups of horses that are assessed and valued to a large extent on their conformation and presentation — the halter horse and the sales weanling or yearling. “Fat is a pretty colour” is an age old adage, but some sales and halter horses are simply overfed and too fat. To be successful in the modern sales and show arena, the fitter must be able to differentiate fat from fit.

A small herd of Konik horses have found a curiously fascinating job in Scotland: They are eating some habitat back to health. At the Loch of Strathbeg nature reserve in Aberdeenshire, this unique herd of wild horses is grazing wetlands, opening up nesting areas for ducks, geese, swans, and wading birds.

“The future of the Marwari horse is looking more promising than say in the 1970s when it was apparent they were ignored,” said Moorey, adding that research on the origins of the bloodline to determine the extent of the Arab influence and possible links to the Akhal-Teke breed from Turkmeni horses has been undertaken in recent years by the UK’s University of Cambridge.

brooke hospital for animals, brooke equine veterinarians

The Brooke Hospital for Animals, a London, UK based charity that provides free veterinary care to working equines in third world countries, has launched a Pakistan emergency appeal to help thousands of horses and donkeys affected by the worst floods in Pakistan’s history. They estimate that over 75,000 animals have been affected by the floods in one province alone.

By Margaret Evans - What makes a Thoroughbred a successful racehorse? While it is true that nutrition and training are critical factors, according to recent research, determining a horse’s best racing distance and athletic abilities might all be in the genes.

Wild Horse Management PZP Immunizations Equine Health

In early 2010, the Governor of New Mexico announced that he would use stimulus funds to purchase 12,142 acres of land known as the Ortiz Mountain Ranch adjacent to Cerrillos Hills State Park and create a state-owned wild horse sanctuary. While there are a number of environmental, economic, and public input hoops to jump through before horses are acquired, likely from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), now should be a perfect time to look at how these horses are going to be managed in the long-term to keep their numbers in check with the available range.

straight horse, reining horse straight, horse steer, turn horse, turn reining horse, reining turn, reining steer, steering reining horse, reining horse training, Western horse training, Cheryl Mitchell, Canadian Horse Journal, horse Canada, horsemanship, horse sport

A horse is said to be straight when he is moving forward with the head, neck, shoulder, rib, and hip in alignment. That alignment can be literally straight if you’re riding a straight line, but if you’re riding a circle, the horse’s body has to bend with the circle line to be considered straight.

bill collins horseman, ccha hall of fame bill collins, douglas lake ranch invitation bill collins, leecoll stables, calgary stampede bill collins

It’s a rare person in the Canadian equine community who hasn’t heard of Bill Collins. An exceptional horseman, Collins has done more for the horse industry in Canada than perhaps any other individual. Not only has Collins been a great competitor, winning multiple events in roping, cutting, and other disciplines, he has been a judge, a teacher, a leader, and a visionary.

Interviewed by Barbara Fogler - This fall, Robert Dover was named Coach and Technical Advisor for the Canadian Dressage Team, so when I sat down to interview him I expected a cut and dry discussion about strategy, goals, and timetables. What I got was so much more. Robert is, quite simply, an extraordinary person to talk to.

It was devastating when we lost Zona. At 32, our palomino Anglo-Arab, who had been a champion show horse on the prairies in her youth, was still pretty much the boss of the herd. Everyone deferred to her. Yet we knew there was something wrong.
