Canadian Horse Journal Honoured at 2024 Equine Media Awards

canadian pony club history, american horse publications awards, canadian horse journal editorial awards, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, tania millen canadian award winning writer

2024 Equine Media Awards

By Kathy Smith, Editor and Publisher

June 19, 2024 - Canadian Horse Journal was once again recognized for editorial excellence during the American Horse Publications (AHP) 2024 Equine Media Awards held during the AHP annual conference in Lexington, Kentucky in May. 

Held annually since 1974, this year’s AHP Awards competition for material published in 2023 attracted hundreds of entries in 47 categories from AHP members who represent the top equine media from across North America.

We’re pleased to announce that the article Canadian Pony Club Then & Now by Tania Millen was awarded second place in the Public Awareness Journalism category. The article was originally published in our annual publication, Canada’s Equine Guide 2023.

Judge’s comment: 

So many aspects of this entry seem to hit the heart with a lasting impact. It is an incredible example of storytelling. From depicting the history of the CPC to detailing the intricate passion equine enthusiasts have for their animals, this story weaves together hard-hitting information with so many well-devised, heartfelt take-home messages. This well-done article addresses the equine industry's good and bad in a professional, easily interpretable manner.

We are so very proud of all our talented journalists who are members of the dedicated and hard-working team who bring you this magazine. 

To view and read our complete list of award-winning articles from over the years, please see below:

Canadian Pony Club - Then and Now

By Tania Millen, BSc, MJ

2nd - Public Awareness Journalism (5 entries)

It’s common for riders to compete at high levels today without advanced horsemanship knowledge. A rider’s success in the show ring seems to have greater value than their horse management skills, but that wasn’t always the case...

Judges comment: So many aspects of this entry seem to hit the heart with a lasting impact. It is an incredible example of storytelling. From depicting the history of the CPC to detailing the intricate passion equine enthusiasts have for their animals, this story weaves together hard-hitting information with so many well-devised, heartfelt take-home messages. This well-done article addresses the equine industry's good and bad in a professional, easily interpretable manner.

Published in the 2023 Canada's Equine Guide

Read the Article

Canada's Wild Horses - An Uncertain Future

By Tania Millen, BSc, MJ

1st - Public Awareness Journalism (4 entries)

Imagine a sandy island surrounded by the fierce Atlantic Ocean where waves endlessly crash on white sand beaches, dune grasses are flattened by the wind, and wild horses run free...

Judge’s comment: "This entry is incredibly thorough and well-researched. The author explains why these horses matter, and what is and isn’t being done to protect them. Excellent work."

Published in the Winter 2022 issue

Read the article. 

Practical Nutrition for Donkeys

By Shelagh Niblock

3rd - Horse Care (25 entries)

Everybody loves to see a donkey! With their large fuzzy ears and soulful eyes, they naturally tug at the heartstrings of horse lovers everywhere....

Judge’s comment: "This thorough article clarifies that donkeys are not the same as horses regarding diet. It repeats this information without being overbearing. I feel confident that if I were to get a donkey or a mule, I would know how to feed it based on this article. A good explainer with helpful websites at the end."

Published in the Spring 2022 issue

Read the article.

Here's a list of Canadian Horse Journal's AHP Awards, from past years:

 If Your Horse Could Drive...

By Kevan Garecki

2nd - Instructional Single Article (24 entries)

To help you understand what he experiences during transport, your horse might suggest that you stand inside the horse trailer, with your hands in your pockets and your eyes closed, while he drives you around… 

Judge’s comment: "The author of this article creates a comfortable space for the reader. There is an immediate authoritative tone; however, the reader never feels looked down on or criticized. Personal experiences add authenticity."

Published in the Early Summer 2021 issue

Read the article.

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Photo: Pam Mackenzie

Solo Horse Packing Adventures in Canada’s Southern Rocky Mountains  

By Tania Millen

2nd - Equine-Related Public Awareness Journalism Article (6 ENTRIES) 

Sven, the Haflinger pack pony, jerked his head up and snorted. I looked uphill towards our camp and caught a humpy flash of beige ducking behind a stunted fir tree. Grizzly, I thought. I was hand-grazing Sven and my paint mare, Jewel, on a frosty July morning in Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, British Columbia during a solo pack trip…  

Judge’s comment: "The author’s language is descriptive and flows gently. It’s a ride many readers would be happy to take."

Read the article. 

Published in the Spring 2021 issue

canadian horse journal editorial awards, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, margaret evans canadian award winning writer

Photo: Shutterstock/Protasov AN


Immersed in the Muskwa-Kechika

A Place That Changes You

By Tania Millen

2nd - Public Awareness Journalism Article (7 entries)

Judge's comments: "This story rose to the top for me because of the quality of writing. Descriptive writing made it feel as if I was on the trip and left me with similar feelings the author shared. This is difficult to do and I recognize the talent the author has to make a trip log into a spectacularly written story."

Published in the Spring 2020 issue.

Read the article.


Photo: Tania Millen

Lights! Camera! Action!

Hoofbeats Across the Silver Screen

By Margaret Evans

1st - Feature Single Article (26 entries)

The film industry has an enduring fascination with these amazing animals that shaped our civilization and remain our faithful partners.

Judge’s comments: “This is a wonderful read that will benefit TV and movie fans as well as horse lovers. The writer does a deep dive into researching decades of feature films’ use of horses – not just those in starring roles, but their doubles and backups. The information on how horses and other animals were abused on film sets is presented with straightforward accuracy, never descending into sentimentality. And the information provided by trainers, stars, stunt workers, and caretakers adds an unexpected depth. It is a superb story; I savored every word.

Published in the Winter 2019 issue.

Read the article.

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Photo: Alamy/Ridley Scott Film Company Universal Pictures/AF Archive

Safer Landings: How to Minimize Risk of Injury from Falls

By Margaret Evans

1st – Service to the Horse Industry Single Article (18 entries)

Falling, or otherwise parting company with your horse, is part of riding. If fall safety training saves even a small number of riders from catastrophic injury, it’s worth training every rider.

Judge’s comments: “We have all been told that if we fall off a horse, we must get right back on. Well, easier said than done. And no one ever told [most of] us that we could actually be trained on how to do a fall the right way. This very thorough article covers that and more. It is well sourced on the training and the need for physical fitness. This article also includes interviews with riders who described what happened to them physically and mentally after coming off a horse. Most of us who have come off a horse can identify with their experience.

Published in the Autumn 2019 issue.

Read the article.

Safer Landings

Photo: Clix Photography

Senior Senator’s Triumph

By Margaret Evans

1st – Feature Single Article (16 entries)

The incredible story of a steeplechaser’s recovery from a broken neck to win the Maryland Hunt Cup for a second time.

Judge’s comments: “The article was impressive and explained the complicated surgery and equipment clearly while keeping the focus on the horse. The writer gave the audience enough before and after the surgery to make for a compelling story about a complex procedure.”

Published in the Autumn 2018 edition.

Read the article.

canadian horse journal editorial awards 2019, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, margaret evans canadian award winning writer

Photo: Douglas Lees

Canada’s Horse Industry Builders

By Margaret Evans and Kathy Smith

2nd – Equine-related Editorial Series (15 entries)

The inspiring stories of 18 extraordinary Canadians who blazed uncharted territory and took our horse industry to new heights. 

Judge’s comments: “Quite a range of people in this series, from the founder of the Calgary Stampede to the owner of Northern Dancer to a former slave. An impressive series of stories covering 30 pages. Detailed research from their beginnings to how they died (unless still alive!). You will learn something, and you might be inspired to create your own worthy story.” 

Published in Canada’s Equine Guide 2018

Read the article.

canadian horse journal editorial awards 2019, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, margaret evans canadian award winning writer

Photo: Robin Duncan Photography

550 Kilometres on Horseback on the Trans Canada Trail

By Tania Millen

2nd Place – Equine-related Human-Animal Bond Category (15 entries)

One woman, one horse, and 550 kms over and through the trestles, tunnels, mountains, and valleys of Southern BC.

Judge’s comments: “What a great piece! The first-person narrative was so strong. The balance between history of the trail and trip diary was perfect. I felt like I was right there, but also am inspired to go see it myself. The intro immediately grabbed your intention and the author did a nice job of closing the loop by picking back up with that moment toward the end. The photos also helped paint the picture. Overall, this piece captured the bond between the author and her horse, as well as a trip of a lifetime.”

Published in the Spring 2018 edition.

Read the article.

canadian horse journal editorial awards 2019, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, margaret evans canadian award winning writer

Photo: Bryn White

Read the article.

#MeToo in the Horse Industry

By Margaret Evans

3rd – Feature Single Article (16 entries)

Our voices joined the worldwide conversation calling for gender equality, respect, and safe places.

Judge’s comments: “The situation the article described needed to be brought to light and the author did a super job. The sidebar stories from other victims added a needed dimension to the piece. Nicely done. A good combination of information and emotion.” 

Published in the Spring 2018 edition

Read the article.

canadian horse journal editorial awards 2019, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, margaret evans canadian award winning writer

Photo: iStock/ND3000


Ghosts of the Coal Mines: Pit Ponies and Horses by Margaret Evans (1st place Feature Article 2017), the story of the horses and ponies that lived and died in one of the world’s most hostile and dangerous working environments (published in Canada’s Equine Guide 2017).

canadian horse journal editorial awards 2019, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, margaret evans canadian award winning writer

Photo courtesy of Big Pit National Coal Museum, Blaenafon, Wales

To Serve and Protect: The Death of Brigadier (1st place Feature Article 2006) by Karen Briggs, describing the tragic death of a Metro Toronto police horse that sent shockwaves through the city and spurred a call for action (published in May/June 2006).

canadian horse journal editorial awards 2019, high quality canadian editorial content, canadian horse editorial, award winning canadian editorial, margaret evans canadian award winning writer

Photo: Anne DeHaas

Canadian Horse Journal is Canada’s leading magazine for all breeds and disciplines, published six times per year by Horse Community Journals Inc.

Our publishing network also includes the industry-leading website, The Hoofbeat e-newsletter, and a huge Social Media following.