Management & Maintenance

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Given the varied weather types and landscape in Canada, the threat of severe weather and geological events is a constant reality. Natural disasters can include wildfires, floods, hurricanes, tornados, hailstorms and landslides.

Barbara Sheridan, Equine Guelph, horse barn fires, barn fire awareness, fireproof, fire emergency plan, horse barn safety, site-specific fire safety plan, horse farm safety

Barn fires are every horse owner’s worst nightmare, one that can bring significant emotional and economic loss. However, the sad fact is that many barn fires could have largely been prevented by applying a few basic principles.

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When it comes to purchasing hay this year, John Bland says, “[Horse owners] are between a rock and a hard place. This year, there’s typically nothing to cut.” Bland is a member of the Alberta Forage Information Network and has been producing and selling hay in Alberta for over 40 years. He says this year’s drought covers the majority of North America’s Great Plains region, so is different from other dry years such as 2001, 2009, and 2019 when droughts were more regional.

Hore boarding Barn, choosing horse barn, choosing horse stable, how pick horse barn, how choose horse stable, horse barn security, horse boarding contract

With all the various types of boarding options out there – self-care, part-board, full-service, pasture board, co-op board, or deluxe – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your search for a boarding facility for your horse before you’ve even started. There is no such thing as the perfect boarding barn, but if you take the time to do your research, you should have no problem finding a facility where you and your horse can be happy, comfortable, and safe together.

Winter hay, planning for winter silage, silage shortage 2017, hay shortage 2017, brandon hall, jason Vanderveen, Vanderveen Hay Sales, Climate Change Canada affecting silage, David Phillips climatologist, Walter Brown Quality Crop Care, Tamara Wrayton Wrayton Transport, alternatives conventional hay, finding hay winter, horse hay shortage,

Given the extreme weather in many parts of Canada in the summer of 2017 – hot and extremely dry in the west; rain and flooding in other areas - hay supply for the coming winter has been a top-of-mind concern for many horse owners.

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Making a living in the horse industry can be challenging. Not only are the horses themselves expensive, the land and equipment needed to sustain a horse business can be costly to purchase and maintain. Given the high costs associated with the horse industry, it may benefit those engaged in this business to familiarize themselves with the laws relating to taxes and taxation issues. A better understanding of these issues could result in tax savings.

improve horse property, pasture fecal egg counts, rotational horse grazing, Harrow manure spread, horse pasture management, chewing horse fences, poisonous weeds horse pasture

With the summer sunshine on its way, it’s time for horse property owners to get outside and look for ways to maintain and improve their farms and pastures. The time and effort invested now will help keep your property looking its best and your horses safe, and preserve your beloved country way of life.

Liability Horse accidents, Karen L. Weslowski, equine litigation, horse owner liability, BC Livestock Act, British Columbia equine litigation, personal liability insurance coverage horse owner

No matter how careful one is around horses, accidents happen. This article will discuss the potential legal liability arising from such situations as well as how to best minimize the risks associated with horse-related activities.

Waiver of liability agreements are commonly used in dangerous or high risk sports such as horseback riding. The intent is to transfer liability for injuries from the organizer to the participant through a written contract. The article, "Negotiating Risk: The Use & Enforceability of Waivers" contains a detailed discussion of waivers if readers are looking for more information on the subject.

rat horse barn mice, first aid kit stable, tack room horse property, manure management horses

Early summer is a great time to do a variety of maintenance tasks around your barn and horse property. The time and energy invested now will keep your horses safe and your property looking its best, providing you with year-round peace
of mind and enjoyment.
