
The Perfect Tail

A horse's tail is its prized possession. It's used for comfort, to swish flies from itself and other horses, and it's used for balance and communication. Trainers can use the horse's tail to see if the horse is frightened, excited, or uncomfortable. In the show ring, a clean flowing tail can really catch the judge's eye.

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Q: I ride a Thoroughbred with a moderately roached (convex or round) back. How should I determine if my saddle fits correctly? A: The nine main points of saddle fit are absolutely common to all saddles and all horses – if you want to determine whether and how well your saddle fits, these points should be considered, and each of these points has video instruction on our website at

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How do I determine the best winter blanket weight for my horse so he doesn’t get chilled or overheated? When choosing a winter blanket for your horse, a number of considerations can help you avoid under- or over-blanketing your horse, including climate, your horse’s hair coat, and his environment.

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The horse's bit is a critical piece of equipment in regards to horse riding and training which has the potential to damage the horses’ mouth if it is not fitted properly. Bits are designed to contact specific areas of the mouth in order to be effective. Your horses’ mouth will need to be sized correctly to allow you to make the appropriate selection. The following steps will guide you through this process.

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Each of us memorizes material in a different way. Knowing your learning style is helpful. Try a number of memorization styles in each of these categories and see what works.

Acera Insurance, CapriCMW Insurance EquiCare, Covid-19 horse insurance canada, how to re-open horse barn covid-19

With the coronavirus pandemic expected to continue for an unspecified length of time, horse industry businesses have been considering how best to reduce the spread of the virus, maintain a healthy environment for staff, horses, and clients, while also operating effectively. In many operations, participants can easily maintain a physical distance of two metres, which provincial and federal governments continue to encourage to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19. However, some businesses have shared spaces — for example, tack rooms at boarding facilities — where riders and owners are more likely to touch the same surfaces. As such, riders, trainers, owners, grooms, transporters, professionals, and caregivers who work in the horse industry are struggling to figure out how to operate in these uncertain times.

Setting Up a Spectacular Sliding Stop reining, lyle jackson reining

When executed correctly, the sliding stop is one of the most exciting maneuvres to watch in a reining pattern. But many riders tend to underestimate the importance of the approach to the stop. Not only is the quality of the approach being judged, but if the approach fails, the stop will almost always fail to be correct also.

building a horse fence, equine fence, fencing equestrian property, fencing acreage, how to build a fence for horses

Horse fence can be one of the most attractive features of a horse facility. Fencing is a major capital investment that should be carefully planned before construction. It should keep horses on the property and keep away nuisances such as dogs and unwanted visitors. Fences aid facility management by allowing controlled grazing and segregating groups of horses according to sex, age, value, or use. But not all fence is suitable for horses.

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I can see it in my mind’s eye – a cozy four-stall barn bordered by white post-and-rail fences and fronted by lush, green pasture with (best of all) my mare happily grazing...all just outside my back door. And I bet I’m not alone. How many horse owners don’t dream about having their own property?

Care & Feeding of the Senior Horse, kentucky equine research, feeding old horse, health of senior horse, overweight horse

How old is a senior horse? The answer is different for each equine. Some horses seem old and feeble at age 15; others are still going strong well into their 20s. As with human beings, many things, including health history, use, care, conformation, and genetic factors, can influence the condition and overall well-being of aged horses.
