Rescue & Welfare

Equine Welfare threats, horse welfare threats, Nicole Weidner, Equine Guelph, Dr. Katrina Merkies,  University of Guelph research study, Equine Guelph Code Decoder, Cordelie DuBois

What would you list as a threat to the welfare of horses in Canada? What actions could we take to fix this? Questions like these may not always be the first thing on the mind of most horse lovers, but they are extremely important to the continued success and growth of Canada’s horse industry. Recent research led by Cordelie DuBois and Dr. Katrina Merkies at the University of Guelph has shed light on the answers to these questions and more, giving us a better picture of the perceptions of welfare in the Canadian horse industry.

Music Helps Horses, equine music therapy, horse music therapy, polish equine research, soft music helps horses, janet marlow pet acoustics, dr. juliet m. getty phd, music therapy for horses

Researchers from Poland¹ set out to determine the effect of music played in the barn, on the emotional state of race horses. Many horse owners have found that music has an apparent calming effect on fear, aggression, and overall stress. Race horses, in particular, have demands of increased cardiac activity and speed that may be improved through music exposure.

Alberta’s Wild Horses, The Wild Horses of Alberta Society (WHOAS) June Fox, FotosbyFox

The Wild Horses of Alberta Society (WHOAS) was formed in 2002 after public outcry over the destruction of several wild horses that lived in the mountains and foothills of the eastern slopes of Alberta. Their mission is to ensure the provision of all aspects of conservation and humane treatment of wild horses in Alberta, and they are committed to the preservation of these magnificent animals in their natural environment.

brooke usa, donkey sanctuary, spana, world horse welfare, brooke international, donkeys third world countries equine horses third world contries, horse welfare, equine welfare

Equine welfare charities Brooke, The Donkey Sanctuary, SPANA and World Horse Welfare announce their first formal coalition - The world’s leading international equine welfare charities: Brooke, The Donkey Sanctuary, SPANA and World Horse Welfare, announced their first formal coalition on March 17, 2017. Formed specifically to put policy into practice, the coalition aims to advise, motivate, and support the implementation of the first-ever global welfare standards for working horses, donkeys and mules. These landmark standards were approved by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in May 2016 following advocacy and technical support from Brooke and World Horse Welfare.

Horse Shoes Foot Skeleton racehorse hoof care performance horses hoof injury horse equine skeleten hoof care

Every day, thousands of horses are shod as part of normal maintenance of foot care. But have you ever wondered whether the placement of a horseshoe affects foot skeleton stress in racehorses and performance horses? At Australia’s University of Queensland School of Biomedical Sciences, research team leader Dr. Olga Panagiotopoulou says that musculoskeletal injury is one of the main animal welfare concerns in the racehorse industry.

Brooke USA Equine Welfare Charity horse welfare horse rescue equine rescue equine welfare

In 2016, Brooke, the World’s Largest International Equine Welfare Charity and its American fundraising affiliate, Brooke USA, headquartered in Kentucky, celebrated a landmark year. The equine welfare charity met its ambitious goal, set almost six years ago, of reaching two million working horses, donkeys and mules in a single year – more than any other organization in the world.

Brooke USA equine welfare horse welfare World War One Horses

One Million Horses, One Million Heroes, One Million Dollars - In 2017 the United States is commemorating its World War One Centennial by marking the 100th anniversary of its entry into the bloodiest war of the century. As part of the commemoration, Brooke USA will remember the one million American horses and mules who served alongside their brave soldiers, by raising one million dollars to improve equine welfare around the world through their Horse Heroes campaign.

rescue horse, starving horse, malnourished horse, neglected horse, dr getty, juliet getty

When we can offer a safe, caring home to a severely neglected horse, everyone in the horse world cheers. If you have recently adopted a rescue horse, let me first commend you for your actions. Saving a horse that is in desperate need of care and nursing him back to health can be one of the most gratifying experiences a horse owner can have.

Jarjeer Mule and Donkey Sanctuary Marrakech, Morocco, rescue donkeys, equine rescue worldwide

A haven for working animals in Morocco - October 11, 2009, was a warm Sunday evening in Marrakech, Morocco. The clatter and babble of the colourful markets was subsiding as bikes, buses, horse-drawn caleches and donkey carts made their way home. But one cart clattered on with an urgency of its own. It was heading for the veterinary clinic of the UK-headquartered Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (SPANA), which provides free veterinary care for working animals in some of the world’s poorest countries. On the cart was a distressed jenny donkey in the final stages of tetanus. She was rigid, recumbent, and barely breathing. And she was also in the final stages of pregnancy.

whoas, wild horses of alberta society, saving alberta's wild horses, olds alberta horse charity wild horse rescue alberta

Spring 2015 to Spring 2016 - The Wild Horses of Alberta Society (WHOAS) recently completed the first year of an innovative five-year pilot contraception and field monitoring project. The aim of the project is to develop a means to provide effective and humane stewardship for the just over 850 remaining wild horses in Alberta. This is the first program of its kind in Canada and a showcase for the way in which a not-for-profit organization can design, manage, and implement a community-based scientific field program using skilled volunteers that are invested in the project.
