Source: SPANA

Horses in Ethiopia are at risk from a fatal disease. With a horse population of about 2.8 million horses, Ethiopia is home to more than half the total number of horses on the African continent. More than one-third of the horses in some regions of Ethiopia are under threat from the devastating disease known as EZL. 

What is EZL?

Epizootic Lymphangitis (EZL) is a parasitic disease that causes burning ulcers to spread through the body of an infected animal. A horse’s respiratory system and internal organs are affected by the symptoms of EZL if it is left untreated.

Without early intervention, the condition results in such relentless pain that afflicted animals are left unable to work and sometimes unable to walk. Tragically, due to the contagious nature of EZL, infected animals are often abandoned and left to die. 

Shasho is suffering from the painful disease known as EZL. Photo: SPANA

Horses like Shasho (pictured) are suffering from the symptoms of this deadly disease. With your support we can stop its spread.

How Can You Help?

Ethiopia has the highest population of horses in Africa. In some areas, this terrible disease affects more than one in three horses, leaving them in terrible pain and unable to work and support the communities that depend on them. 

With your help, the Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (SPANA) can provide vital veterinary care to more horses like Shasho.

Yes, I will help to treat horses suffering with EZL.

Last year, thanks to your kind donations, SPANA was able to treat 1,669 separate cases of EZL. We must continue to stop this terrible disease from spreading.

Your support enables SPANA to get their vets on the ground, delivering vital treatments and saving lives.

I will help battle this devastating disease – Donate Now.

Thank you for your support.


SPANA’s mission is to improve the welfare of working animals in the world’s poorest communities. We do this through treatment, training and teaching. We TREAT by providing free veterinary care when animals suffer or when emergencies strike. We TRAIN by building expertise among vets and promoting humane care by animal owners. We TEACH children to develop positive beliefs, respect and compassion towards animals.

SPANA receives no government funding.  Each time we’re able to provide free veterinary care, professional training or education in compassion, it’s because of our supporters. We can do nothing at all without you – if you believe working animals deserve compassion and care, find out more about how you could be part of the solution. Please visit:

Main photo: SPANA
