
optimal horse fitness, horse peak performance, equine athletes, Dr. Sebastian McBride, understanding horse temperament, horse temperament testing, horse care, Psychological Factors Affecting Equine Performance, temperament of a young horse, Psychology of Performance Horses, Margaret Evans

It is common knowledge that a horse must achieve optimal physical fitness in order to deliver a peak performance, but what kind of impact does psychological condition have on equine performance? In a competition environment, equine athletes in any discipline may show symptoms of stress, but to what degree does the expression of that stress affect the quality of a jumping round, dressage test, reining pattern, etc.?

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Experienced riders know that riding is risky business. Falls and other horse-related injuries are a real possibility, and even top riders cannot prevent all riding-related accidents.

Belinda Trussell, out of the Saddle Exercises to Improve Your Riding Skills, horse riding exercises, correct rider position

In all disciplines, we want to be able to train our horses to move up the levels and perform different maneuvers for us. Without a supple body, a horse isn’t capable of that... and if you haven’t got a supple rider, then it’s not going to be possible to have a supple horse.

Practice Maintaining Impulsion on Course with the Figure-8 Over Fences

With Karen Brain - Impulsion is the desire to move forward with more energy than is required to just ‘go forward. It’s an eagerness of energy being offered by the horse within each step while still in easy control of the rider.
