5 Motivational Tips

Submitted by super_admin on Sat, 2017-10-21 08:17

Everyone loses motivation from time to time, riders included. Motivation doesn’t come easy. Situations such as your horse going lame or being stuck at a training plateau for a long time can make any rider lose motivation. These are the times when you have to really push yourself. The only way to find motivation is to create it.

Dalton McGuinty Must Testify

Submitted by super_admin on Fri, 2017-10-06 13:09

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017, an attempt by the province and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. to prevent the questioning under oath of former premier Dalton McGuinty, along with his former finance minister Dwight Duncan and their chiefs of staff, in regard to the 2012 decision to terminate the Slots at Racetracks revenue-sharing partnership, was dismissed by a Divisional Court.

Leg Exercises

Submitted by super_admin on Fri, 2017-09-29 15:23

By Bridget Braden-Olson

Something I never see at barns is a rider warming up before they get in the saddle. I get it – horse life is busy and very energy-consuming – but the body works better if it is properly warmed up.

Unless your schedule allows time for a full workout, rarely will you get more than ten minutes for a warm-up. I ride in the morning hours and there is seldom time for a long warm-up.

Shifting Gears

Submitted by super_admin on Fri, 2017-08-25 12:41

I have been involved in horses in some shape or form since I was six years old. I turned it into a career and more importantly, a lifelong love, and nearly five years ago that lead me to a sales position at Horse Community Journals. When I started working here, I thought I was pretty open-minded when it came to horses.

Side Planks

Submitted by super_admin on Fri, 2017-08-25 12:22

What is it about side planks that makes them so hard? If you’ve ever done them in your workout, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Whether you do them on the ground or with your feet in TRX straps, they are one of the most challenging exercises there is. Thankfully, there are several great modifications you can do to help make the side plank more or less challenging as you work up your strength and endurance.

Proud Parents

Submitted by super_admin on Fri, 2017-08-11 13:44

I don’t think it matters how old you are, you still want your parents to be proud of you. While my parents are not “horsey” people at all, they have been truly supportive of my love for the sport from the get-go, putting me in lessons as a child and driving me to and from the barn countless times over the years.

The Forward Lunge & Press

Submitted by super_admin on Fri, 2017-08-11 13:30

Pelvic stability is a problem for many riders, and typically gets worse over time rather than better. It can be fixed by riding with even seat bones which increases pelvic strength, but various factors can contribute to uneven seat bones or an unbalanced pelvis.
