Podcast - BestHorse Practices with Jec Ballou

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Karen Rohlf has been her own journey of self-discovery. The former Grand Prix rider has done a fair amount of deconstruction and reconstruction to her thinking around what makes for great riding. She has a vast reach for helping riders online and in person. More recently, she’s addressed the struggle of many horse professionals to find balance and boundaries, to make money while being happy as a trainer.

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In the episode, Jec and Amy Skinner meet in the Coaches' Corner to discuss the nuances of mounting. It's simple. Sure. But a challenging-to-mount horse might mean backing up to make sure you have all the pieces in place for a safe, fun ride

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In this episode, Jec talks with Dr. Rebecca Husted, president of Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue, and a past Best Horse Practices Summit presenter. As you’ll discover, Rebecca is a straight talker and someone who is passionate about doing right by the horse in the most critical situations.

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Rider fear can be all-consuming, and riding horses is as risky as it is fun and rewarding. In this episode, Jec Ballou, Amy Skinner, and Maddy Butcher share their thoughts and experiences on rider fear.

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Jec Ballou chats with Daniel Dauphin, a trainer in Louisianna, a Best Horse Practices Summit presenter, and an expert in horse mouth anatomy and bits. They talk about setting back, pulling back, and trials with tying.

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Maddy Butcher and Jec Ballou meet for the ongoing segment called On the Fence, in which the two discuss horse-related musings. In this episode, Butcher and Ballou chat about experts, open-mindedness and how to keep things fresh if you're a learner, teacher, or both.

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Jec Ballou and Dr. Stacie Boswell discuss horse stress: How does stress manifest in horses? How can we help them?

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Podcast host Jec Ballou (bio below) and Ben Longwell of True West Horsemanship respond to a listener question about bitless options: my question is about ‘bitless’ bridles, side pulls, or the bosals or any other type of ‘bitless’ bridle that you may have had experience with. Which would be most suitable for what horse, temperament, type of exercise or work. I am in the process of starting a horse. We are in first rides with rope halter and rather than bit him for our first rides, I thought maybe I could just train him to a more subtle bridle.

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In this segment, we kind of continue - tangentially anyway - with our Gender Gyrations project to talk about mare/gelding bias in the horse world.

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I have written a lot about the power of a good start and the hazards and pitfalls of a bad start. Mostly, I’ve talked about my experiences with restarting horses who have been in bad homes or with neglectful or abusive owners or trainers. But this weaning conversation gives us a whole new perspective on what good and bad starts can mean
