Blog - The Business Stable

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In modern society, it’s common to assume that the more choices we have, the better, and that our desire for choice and ability to manage it knows no bounds. But this is not necessarily true. “Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black,” said Henry Ford, commenting on the colour options for the Model-T. By offering the Model-T only in black, the car was less expensive to produce. Ford had to find only one supplier for good black paint and buy it in large quantities at better prices. Costs were reduced and any painting problems were dealt with efficiently. Ford knew that simplifying can increase productivity and increase sales, while lowering costs.

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Your Horse Business Marketing Message: Let’s Help Each Other - You may be wondering how to approach your marketing messaging during the time of COVID-19. In the face of company closures and job losses, should you continue to market your horse business? The short answer is: Yes. Marketing is about serving, not selling. It’s about building relationships. Look for opportunities to serve equestrians in new and creative ways. Help them solve problems and use your marketing messaging to generate trust and build stronger relationships.