Sansom, Heather Articles

creating horse Rider Fitness Program, horse rider stamina, horse rider endurance, create off-horse fitness program

The primary goal of a rider fitness program is to build stamina and strength appropriate to the discipline. All riders should have a strong core, good balance, good general flexibility, and a fairly high level of proprioception (awareness of where your body parts are in relation to your body and movement).

Horse rider back support, horse rider fitness, horse rider daily exercises, horse rider upper body strength

Finding time to exercise can be a challenge at this time of year: farm chores, yard work, summer vacations, competition, you name it, it’s on your plate. Unexpected downtime due to back injury or strain would really put a kink in your summer plans.

fitness horse riders, how to stay balanced on a horse, how to relax on horse, heather sansom horse rider

You are one of the biggest factors in whether or not your horse can move with balance and relaxation. In this article I’d like to discuss some factors that affect your ability to have that balanced and independent seat, and outline some exercises you can do to help.

horse rider flexibility, horse rider-specific yoga, equestrian flexibility, yoga Louise Sattler, yoga for horse riders

For this article, I interviewed yoga for riders specialist Louise Sattler of Galloping Yoga. We discussed various concepts and exercises that come from the yoga tradition and align very nicely with sport and conditioning practices for developing flexibility. For a busy rider, the exercises below are accessible and easy to do almost anywhere.

getting prepared for horse show season, horse show horse rider preparation, getting fit for horse show season, rider fitness for equine show jumping

It’s that time of year again. Whether your show season is starting up again in the next couple of months, or you’re just planning on spending more time in the saddle, some off-horse training can help with stamina, effective aids, posture, and reducing risk of injury when working with your horse.

A strong core is especially important because riders ride mostly with the torso. Whether you realize it or not, your limbs are completely secondary aids to your seat, weight and torso orientation.

Heather Sansom, horse riding fitness, Amy Millar, equine fitness, horse rider fitness, optimal horse riding fitness

In "How the Pros Stay Fit to Ride, Part 1", I interviewed some of our top Canadian dressage riders to see what they did to cross-train for riding. In this article, I am happy to bring you interviews with top Canadian show jumpers Amy Millar and Amanda Hay.

Olympian Gina Smith interview, equestrian gina smith interview, horse rider gina smith interview, horse rider flexibility

I had the privilege of interviewing three-time Olympic dressage team member Gina Smith about her views on equestrians as athletes. Smith and her horse Malte were a part of the Olympic dressage team that won bronze in Seoul, Korea in 1988, with team members Cindy Ishoy, Eva-Maria Pracht, and Ashley Nicoll.

Pre horse Ride Stretches, Equestrians stretches, horse riding warm-up exercises, Pre horse Ride Pectoral Stretch, Runner's Lunge

By warming up and correcting posture before you get in the saddle, you are much more likely to be able to achieve the ear-shoulder-hip-heel alignment you are looking for and prepare your joints to better absorb the motion of your horse. Here are three stretches I recommend as pre-ride stretches to help a rider work out any tightness from sitting or driving during the day, or from a previous ride.

importance of staying hydrated while horse riding, importance of staying hydrated during horse riding competition

Water and food consumption will have a significant effect on your performance, stamina, and risk of injury. Most of us think about our horses before we think of ourselves, not realizing that our lack of attention to ourselves can seriously affect our horses’ performance. Riders who brought feed, hay, supplements, and water to the show for their equine athletes can often be seen munching hot dogs and drinking cola - if they take time to refuel at all.

As riders, younger children are best introduced to as wide a variety of equestrian disciplines as possible. There is plenty of time for them to specify as they mature and start to show clear strengths and tendencies. In the meantime, fostering a healthy sportsmanship and leadership attitude, and other qualities such as patience and self-discipline early on, will provide them with psychological tools to excel under pressure later in life.

equestrian youth, rider training, rider fitness, heather sansom, how to get a child fit for riding horses, exercises for children equestrians

Riding can be a fantastic growth opportunity for children. Like any other sport, riding provides ample circumstances for children to learn great life skills like good sportsmanship, responsibility, commitment, and active lifestyle habits. Being in a relationship with another living creature and accomplishing tasks together adds further benefits.

reaching your horse riding goals, Karen Brain, Judi Island, Lauren Barwick, horse riding spinal cord injury, horse rider psychology

In the previous article, we shared the first half of an interview with para-equestrians Lauren Barwick, Karen Brain, and Judi Island. In this, the second part, they share more about what they do to stay fit to ride and compete, advice for developing riders, athletes, and parents, and how to “be all you can be.”

reaching your horse riding goals, Karen Brain, Judi Island, Lauren Barwick, horse riding spinal cord injury, horse rider psychology

As I learn about para-equestrianism and work with people with disabilities in my own fitness training practice, I never cease to be humbled and impressed by the sheer athletic spirit I encounter: discipline, determination, winning attitude, and pure hard work. When I look at athletes for examples we can all learn from, it’s hard to miss noticing the achievements of our Canadian Paralympians.