Garecki, Kevan Articles

Inside Your Horse Trailer, horse to transport my horse safely, what type of horse trailer should i buy, best horse trailers, shipping fever, pleuropneumonia, kevan garecki

It wasn't that long ago that little research had been done on how travel impacts horses. Most advice came from the shared experiences of other horse owners and commercial transporters. That’s why research findings from the University of California, Davis, are particularly significant. Their research has essentially confirmed the good practices for travel that trustworthy transporters of horses have followed for years, validating these practices and making the information public for all to benefit from.

Kevan Garecki, winter horse trailer, horse trailer maintenance, prepping horse trailer for winter, horses dressed for winter, winter horse trailer safety, horse transport and equipment

Horse trailers are a substantial investment — not only in terms of cost but, most essentially, in the horses that rely on us to keep them safe and comfortable. A few thoughtful steps will prepare your trailer for winter and prevent headaches in the spring, extend the life of your trailer, and enhance the safety of your horses.

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The biggest risk factor of a horse sustaining injury during transport is due to inadequate or improper training for loading and hauling. The key to avoiding these injuries lies in investing the time to teach the horse in a way that suits his learning style. It's important to keep in mind that, as with any form of teaching, if one method isn't working, there are plenty of other strategies to try. The alphabet still has 25 letters if Plan A does not work!

Kevan Garecki, horse trailer safety, safe horse transport, horse care

The need for safe driving should always be preeminent, even more so when we have precious cargo on board. Keep in mind that there is nothing in a horse’s instinctual response mechanism that will help him in the event of a crash; this makes us wholly responsible for our horses’ welfare.

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There’s Far More To It Than You Might Think - In November 2021, my wife and I spent four devastating days in Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford, British Columbia assisting with the rescue and evacuation of animals following the disastrous flooding caused by the “atmospheric river” of torrential rain in mid-November that year. It’s one thing to watch it on the news — it’s surreal to be on the ground in the middle of it.

transporting horses, how to ship my horse, moving my horse, easing stress horse transport, kevan garecki, preparing my horse for emergency

Of the various forms of commercial transport, one of the most demanding is arguably that of horse transport. Strangely, it also attracts the least qualified, the most poorly equipped, and the most fraudulent and dishonest operators. How does one wade through the ethical minefield created by illegitimate wannabes and scammers? I will offer a handful of tips to keep you and your horses safe...

prepare horse trailer, spring riding, transporting horse, trailering horse

When spring is just around the corner, our thoughts turn to riding, riding, and more riding. While not nearly as enrapturing, save some consideration for that lonely chariot outside, which gets our beloved steeds to and from events, shows, and trails. Every trailer that has been parked or stored for the winter should undergo a methodical inspection and maintenance routine before hitting the road each year. Safety should always be of primary concern, but comfort is important as well – every time a horse has an unpleasant trailering experience, he or she will go through that much more stress on the next trip.

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For most folks in the market to buy a horse trailer, the thought of signing a five figure cheque is terrifying. Buying pre-owned is one alternative, but there are many additional and important factors to consider when buying a used horse trailer that could affect your horse's safety.

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To help you understand what your horse experiences during transport he might suggest that you stand inside the horse trailer, with your hands in your pockets and your eyes closed, while he drives you around. I knew someone who considered himself to be an extraordinary driver, yet the horses he hauled always had more than their fair share of mysterious nicks and bumps, and every horse that stepped off his rig was sweated. I tried to tell him that it isn’t about handling his rig as if it’s a sports car; it’s about providing the horses in his rig with the most comfortable ride possible.

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If you spend enough time around horses, before long you’re likely to encounter an injury. Some folks joke that they could bubble-wrap their horses and put them into a round room, and they’d still figure out a way to hurt themselves. Like humans, there are some horses that cruise through life without a single incident, while others just seem prone to elevate our stress level, and diminish our cash level, with frequent new and interesting injuries.

choosing a commercial transporter, how to transport a horse, commercial horse transporters canada, kevan garecki, transport for a special needs horse

It’s no secret that the horse transport industry attracts people who think in terms of a fast or easy buck; the rate of start-ups claiming to be “horse haulers” is testament to that. The number of disreputable haulers makes the choice even more difficult. So, what’s a caring horse owner to do when the commercial horse transport landscape is as alien as the far side of the moon?

how to reduce horse tranpsort stress, hwo to lower horse's travel stress, how to relax your horse during transport

When things just don’t feel right, you may experience a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach, or you might actually manifest physical symptoms such as gastric distress, perspiration, or muscle tremors. In humans and in horses, stress can create a multitude of psychological reactions ranging from mild anxiety to debilitating near panic and severe depression, and reduced immune response which can invite illness. Long term stress can produce ulcers, musculoskeletal disorders, heart irregularities, and create a host of psychological vices.

Horse Trailer Hauling, horse transport, transporting horses, special needs horses, trailering horses, trailering difficult horse, loading a difficult horse

While there is an abundance of information available on general trailering needs, precious little has been offered on “special needs” transport for horses such as stallions, pregnant mares or those with foals at side, and injured or lame horses. There are few absolutes with horses, but here are some guidelines to keep in mind at all times.

Kevan Garecki, Horse trailer choices, horse trailering, horse hauling, straight-haul designs, Angle-haul vs Straight-haul, gooseneck trailer, horse trailer braking system, bumper-pull trailer, Horse Trailer Options

Horse trailer choices are almost as broad as truck options. While your specific trailering needs (e.g. how many horses you'll be hauling at any one time, size of the horses, typical hauling duration, etc.) will obviously impact your choice of horse trailer, the horses' safety and comfort should always be your primary concern when considering the following trailer options.

Choosing a Horse Trailer

By Kevan Garecki - If you’re in the market for a new (or new to you) horse trailer, there are a few very basic things to consider: How many horses will you be hauling at any one time? What size are they? How long is your average trip likely to be? What are the horses’ requirements for the trip? Will they need box stalls, or are standing stalls sufficient? What will you need to pack with you?

Equestrian Canada, Equine Canada, Canadian horse industry, Canada’s Horse Industry, Canadian Horse Industry Profile Study, Roz Moskovits, Howard Jackson, Les Burwash, Sabine Schleese, changing canadian horse industry

In 2010, the Canadian Horse Industry Profile Study was undertaken by Equestrian Canada (formerly Equine Canada). The mandate was to define the state of the industry at that time, the issues that could direct its future.

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I meet lots of folks who expound on how well their 17.3 hand Warmblood loads into their Quarter Horse-sized wagon. I just nod politely and ask how comfortable they themselves would be on a long car trip with no leg or headroom.

Choosing a Tow Vehicle for Your Horse Trailer

By Kevan Garecki - You've just purchased a new (or new-to-you) horse trailer. Have you given any thought to what you will be using for a tow vehicle? If you’re thinking of hooking onto a six-horse gooseneck with a half-ton, think again. There are a number of factors you need to consider when pairing tow vehicle with trailer, including maximum truck load, trailer size, and gross trailer weight.

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There are a number of considerations when dealing with “heavy trailers,” which is how most horse rigs are classified, not the least of which is how the vehicles and drivers are licensed.

Above all else, a carrier must first be a “horse person.” It’s one thing to be a good driver, but that is of little comfort if someone lacks the confidence and understanding to properly care for your horse. This type of experience is not always easy to detect, but there are a few traits that typify a seasoned handler.