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When there are high volumes of rainfall, many horse owners may begin to see the presence of rain rot on their horses. Rain rot is a skin disease that can be frustrating to deal with, but with the right care can often be easily treated.

Equine Sports Medicine, eqiune vet Steve Chiasson, DVM, CVMA, What Horses Benefit from Sports Medicine high-performance equine athlete horse chiropractic, equine lameness evaluation, regenerative therapy horses aquatic therapy

It’s been a gruelling season but the end is in sight. Looking back, training camp seems so long ago, so many months of hard work, of getting in shape. Last season certainly took its toll on the team. Coaches, trainers, and even the owner commented on the past year’s success and the hard work that went into it.

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When you have finally found the perfect horse to take you to the winner’s circle, it’s tough to realize that he or she might be getting old. Many horses are now competing well into their late teens and early twenties, especially in certain disciplines such as dressage or show jumping where it takes many years of training to reach an elite level of competition. However, from a veterinary perspective, horses are considered geriatric as they reach the age of 15 to 20 years, which is when their physiological functions start to decline. The management of these horses becomes crucial to keep them competing at their best.

Preventing Fall Winter Colic, horse colic, equine colic, winter colic horses, fall colic horses, seasonal colic for horses, horse feed, horse forage, horse water, horse drink, ill horse, sick horse, horse disease, horse care, horse health

The fall is a time of lovely colours, family get-togethers and winding down the busy show season. However, fall is often a time of increased colic calls to veterinarians. While not all colic can be prevented, paying attention to your management of the horse can go a long way to decrease the incidence, and the suffering of episodes.

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Given the extreme weather in many parts of Canada in the summer of 2017 – hot and extremely dry in the west; rain and flooding in other areas - hay supply for the coming winter has been a top-of-mind concern for many horse owners.

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Shorter days, morning frost and fallen leaves to sweep off the path are telltale signs of fall. Similar to the way the spring sunshine starts the grass and flowers growing, our horse takes his cue from the decreasing daylight hours to start growing a warm winter coat, and starts “hairing up” up even while the weather is still warm. When the fuzzies start to grow, it’s time to consider your horse’s winter care and wardrobe options. With adequate shelter from wind and precipitation, proper feed, access to fresh water, and room to move and maintain body heat, most horses will be comfortable spending the winter outdoors wearing only their natural thick coats, and in general, they’ll be healthier than their stabled counterparts.

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Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and Equine Cushing’s Disease (also known as Pars Pituitary Intermedia Dysfunction, or PPID) are reasonably common conditions we encounter in our horses. This article will deal primarily with EMS, but because PPID can be a cause of increased insulin levels in horses, it needs to be mentioned as well.

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Horses are more likely to suffer from laminitis in the fall than at any other time of year. Two reasons are the high NSC (non-structural carbohydrates) from cooler nighttime temperatures and increased blood ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) secretion from the pituitary gland. Both of these lead to elevated insulin.

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How do I determine the best winter blanket weight for my horse so he doesn’t get chilled or overheated? When choosing a winter blanket for your horse, a number of considerations can help you avoid under- or over-blanketing your horse, including climate, your horse’s hair coat, and his environment.

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Each season brings with it certain needs for equine care, and an annual horse health care agenda can help with some of the planning as the months rapidly roll by. Horse owners are good at knowing the value of organizing and preparing ahead to help their horses stay healthy, and to budget for the more expensive seasonal needs ahead of time.
