Podcast - The Whole Horse with Alexa Linton

Sarah Schlote Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Dr. Stephen Peters, equine brain, alexa linton, whole horse podcast

Sarah Schlote, MA, RP, CCC, SEP is a Registered Psychotherapist, trauma therapist and Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner who has been involved in the field of animal-assisted interventions since 2003.

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Elsa Sinclair takes us on a journey into her potent year with her two stallions - and stars of her in-progress documentary Taming Wild Evolution - and shares how Freedom Based training, which she fondly refers to as the slowest training method in the world, is evolving even more and growing in nuance and subtly.

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Podcast host Alexa Linton and Shannon Beahen of Humminghorse Equestrian chatted about everything from getting more nuanced about the “no,” to meditation and its role in our clarity, to incorporating consent into training, to track systems, and even got into numerology a little!

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Elisse Miki of Equilibria Therapeutics and Alexa Linton venture into more of our favourite territory, this time focusing on the nervous system, neuroplasticity, motor control, rehabilitation, what cranial work has to do with any of this, and all things neuroscience.

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Another beautiful conversation with Kerri Lake, as we get right into some incredibly rich territory around re-framing our learning process (and supporting our horses through this shift), what surrender really means, learning to love the boring and mundane, and the gifts in taking things slow and easy for ourselves and our horses. As always, so many potent nuggets of wisdom come through Kerri in this chat.

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Podcast host Alexa Linton chats with Tori Jeffress, who spends her days teaching and training according to classical riding principles, bitless and bridleless, with a focus on creating a sound, balanced and willing horse.

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Podcast host Alexa Linton sits down for a conversation with Kareine Vandeborre, founder of Horsefulness Training. Karine has 25 years experience working with horses, including severely traumatized horses that she helps gain self-confidence and trust in humans again.

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After having incredible success with homeopathy and the products of Adored Beast, I was very excited to sit down for a chat with Sarah Griffiths DCH, and to learn more.

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Podcast host Alexa Linton speaks with Lockie Phillips. She says, "As most of you know, I love my mares, but in this episode, we get into the specifics of how we can love the mares in our lives even better, and support them as the fully intact and amazing animals they are."

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Felicity Davies is a Horsemanship and Mindset mentor based in South Australia. She is the founder of The Confident Equestrian Program, a global online course that teaches horse owners exactly how to help their horse feel more confident in any environment. She uses an intuitive combination of compassionate horsemanship, learning theory, neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom technique and lessons she has learned from horses, their owners and other resources. Her mission is to help horses become better understood through empowering their owners with the information and the mindset they need to trust themselves and their feelings.
