
horse to lateral work Jec A. Ballou prancing dressage horses, lateral movements shoulder-in haunches-in dressage exercises, conditioning horse, offer unrivaled conditioning effects for almost any equine athlete

Why and when to introduce your horse to lateral work - While they used to be predominantly the domain of prancing dressage horses, lateral movements like shoulder-in and haunches-in offer unrivaled conditioning effects for almost any equine athlete. Exercise science has shown them to be on par with gymnastic routines like hill repeats and cavalletti routines in terms of muscle recruitment, with a bonus of altering motor sensory patterns. Below I will explain how and why you might consider incorporating them.

Stan Walchuk Jr, horse trail riding, trail riding guide

For many people riding across a pasture, down a laneway, or along a road is considered to be trail riding. It’s a good thing that we have those options since we cannot instantly wish ourselves onto the wilderness trail of our choice. But interesting trails spoil us

Trail Horse Riding Equine Conformation, choosing the right trail horse, stan walchuk, buying a horse, best breeds horse riding

We all have expectations for our horses. With trail horses those expectations are based on the way we use them, which is very different from the way we use performance horses or pet horses.

equine road safety, horse council BC, Highly visible clothing equine road safety, reflective vest when road riding horse, spook horse road riding, horse safety, horse rider safey

As many equestrians take to the roads, keeping themselves and their horses safe while sharing road space with cars, trucks, motorcycles and bicycles is a key concern. Increasing development and traffic volume in rural areas have made road riding a necessity for some riders.

horseback riding holiday checklist, what to bring on a horse riding vacation

On any riding vacation, whether it’s camping or glamping, there are a few essentials that I always bring along.

Lynne Gunville, Dr. Trisha Dowling, horse conformation, horse balance, horse angulation, horse care, horse built for job

Function follows form, according to Dr. Trisha Dowling. It’s the conformation or structure of a horse that ultimately determines its athletic function.

Stan Walchuk, Jr, safe trail riding with horses, horse riding safety, trail riding tips, desensitize horses

Ah, the good old days. That was the time when someone said, “I think that horse might buck,” and you said, “I’ll ride him.” Secretly, you hoped he would buck. You had been bored for the last 20 minutes and it was time for some excitement.

Trail Horse Riding Equine Conformation, choosing the right trail horse, stan walchuk, buying a horse, best breeds horse riding

What do we look for in trail horse conformation? The quality of the foot has been discussed in a previous article and therefore this article will focus on other key aspects.

Stan Walchuk Jr, horse wrangling, equine hobbles, horse hobbles, picket rope, horse bells, horse tail tying, equine wrangling

Wrangling means working with horses on the trail or in camp, including when they are not ridden or packed. It involves bringing them in at morning, turning them out at night, and managing their movement and use.

Jonathan Field training tips, how to train young horses, tips on training young horses, how to get the most out of your young horse

We’ve all had a horse that was hesitant to go forward with ease and willingness. I want to share the story of one such colt I started recently, and some of the strategies I employed to help him “free up.” These techniques work well for horses of all ages. This article is ultimately about rider self-awareness, timing, and avoiding the overuse of pressure, which unintentionally dulls the horse. Take special note of the tips for success, and the pitfalls many riders face when their horse is dull to their aids.
