Business & Product Profiles

Equine Crib-Guard Spray from EQyss, preventing horse cribbing, dealing with equine cribbing

In 1991, some compassionate pet owners in Vista, California, founded EQyss to develop better-quality grooming products for their family pets. They not only committed to making products using scientifically superior ingredients, formulations, and manufacturing processes, but also committed to clean energy technology to lower their carbon footprint by using solar energy, purified water, and FDA manufacturing standards for the highest quality of production.

primebed, cascade hay, horse bedding canada, flax seed equine

All Natural Premium Animal Bedding - PrimeBed is a new, environmentally and user-friendly bedding alternative to conventional straw or wood pellets.

In spring and summer, many horses can suffer from Sweet Itch, an allergic skin response to the bite of midges. The midges focus on the mane, back or tail, under the belly and on the legs. The rubbing and biting can lead to loss of hair, bald patches and broken or bleeding skin. Constant aggravation will lead to interruptions in grazing or feeding.

You know what it’s like when your back is sore and you’ve got to clean the paddock with a wheelbarrow and shovel. It takes forever and now your back is really sore.

Easy Fit Saddles, western saddle, adjustable saddles, lightweight saddles

Traditional on the outside, innovative on the inside. Easy Fit Saddles, based in Millarville, Alberta, caters to horse people who want a saddle that truly fits both horse and rider.

Frosting by ReitenRight, arena footing additives, horse footing additive

Over the last decade the equestrian world has seen an influx of arena footing additives created to enhance the riding experience. With a selection of additives on the market, selecting one for your arena can be a daunting task.

SeeHorse, Wearable horse Device, AgInnovation Ontario, Ontario Equestrian Federation

There’s a new wearable technology for horses that lets them email their owner or veterinarian if they’re not well. Similar to the wristbands or gym fitness straps that people use, the SeeHorse wearable collects a horse’s vital signs and sends that information to a Smartphone or other device, alerting owners or veterinarians when something is not quite right.

Equine safety is one of the main concerns horse owners face on a daily basis. Their four-legged friends can become bored, mischievous, or inquisitive, and sometimes equine curiosity can lead to negative consequences. Safety is also a consideration during transport, competition, and especially during times of injury and recovery.

Prairie Marie, Marie Marshall, browband, equine browband, prairie paints, horse browband

The goal for designer Marie Marshall is to make your horse shine.

Barn Pros, post-frame horse, horse barns, equine barns, pre-engineered barns

The barn-inspired, post-frame manufactured buildings by Barn Pros are designed with environmentally harvested materials, infused with the craft and detail of a custom build, and engineered to be easy to construct as well as beautiful.




One AC for the non-sweating horse — from the Magic Powder Company!

