DERFEN® from Animaderm

In spring and summer, many horses can suffer from Sweet Itch, an allergic skin response to the bite of midges. The midges focus on the mane, back or tail, under the belly and on the legs. The rubbing and biting can lead to loss of hair, bald patches and broken or bleeding skin. Constant aggravation will lead to interruptions in grazing or feeding.

Biting insects including lice, midges, black flies and horse flies, as well as infections and allergies, can trigger cases of pruritus or severe itching. The location of the sore areas, such as the classic rubbed mane and tail associated with Sweet Itch, can help identify if parasites are responsible. The tormenting condition can cause equines to bite, scratch, or rub their skin to the extent that they can cause damage to themselves, the environment, and sometimes they become intolerant of having tack on affected skin and refuse to allow a rider to mount.   

DERFEN® is a new product from Animaderm, a company based in France that specializes in the research and development of natural equine dermatological products, distributed in Canada by Double Diamond Ranch, Enderby, BC.

DERFERN from Aniderm horses Sweet Itch, horse allergies equine midges bites horse bleeding skin

DERFEN® has been developed to not only stop all itchiness but moisturize the skin and stimulate hair growth. The product is 100 percent natural and made without cortisone. It does not contain water, therefore there is no evaporation. Available in its original formula, clear or as a cream, it can be applied to conditions from mild to severe, on delicate areas (ears and belly) and in recurrent situations. The product is ultra-moisturizing, goes directly into the hair, and gives the skin immediate protection thus allowing healing to start. It has a calming, long-lasting effect for up to seven days and it can be used on a variety of dermatitis conditions. 

DERFERN from Aniderm horses Sweet Itch, horse allergies equine midges bites horse bleeding skin


Results from using DERFEN© once weekly from beginning of July to mid-August.


DERFERN from Aniderm horses Sweet Itch, horse allergies equine midges bites horse bleeding skin

For more information and to order the product, visit the Animaderm Canada website.

This article was originally published in the July/August 2016 issue of Canadian Horse Journal.

DERFEN® from Animaderm