Canadian Horse Racing Celebrates 250 Years

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Our entire nation will be celebrating 150 years of confederation in 2017, but for Canada’s horse racing industry, this year represents an even bigger anniversary, the 250th Anniversary of our great sport in this great land.

On July 1, 1767, exactly 100 years before our country’s confederation, a race took place on The Plains of Abraham in Quebec City. Gazette de Quebec recounted the race as follows:

“The horse race for a purse of forty dollars was held on Wednesday, first of the month, on the Hill of Abraham. It was easily won by Captain Prescott’s mare Modesty, much to the discomfiture of those who, purporting to know about such things, had wagered against her and were thereby parted from their money.”

From that day forward horse racing has been part of the fabric of our country…


Photo: Canstock/Shariffc